2011-219 Solid Waste - Judy Brooks for collection of Food Waste
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2011-219 Solid Waste - Judy Brooks for collection of Food Waste
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Last modified
7/26/2019 3:45:31 PM
Creation date
8/1/2011 12:21:22 PM
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Contract Document Type
Agreement - Services
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2016-282-E Solid Waste - Judy D. Brooks Contract Amendment for food waste collection
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2016
2016-307-E Solid Waste - OE Enterprises for custodial services
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2016
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i. School Food Waste and Oxganic Waste Collection <br />The County is interested in collecting the food and organic waste generated at each school's cafeter]a <br />in the County's two school districts, Orange County Public Schools and Chapel Hill -Carrboro City <br />Sdiools. Orange County Pubic Schools have seven elementary schools, three middle schools, and <br />two high schools. Chapel Hill -Carrboro City Schools have ten elementary schools,. four middle <br />schools, and three high <br />Within the next two years the County may establish a pilot program to determine the capability of a <br />comprehensive schools food waste and organic waste collection program. The details of this pilot <br />program will be- determined with the assistance of the selected service provider. Nevertheless, this <br />program may begin at one or two schools in each district anal may include a combination of <br />elementary, middle and high schools. The pilot program will evaluate the effectiveness of the overall <br />program including, education and outreach and whether it will include only pre consumer or also post <br />consumer content. <br />II: SCOPE Of WORK ~ ~ . <br />A. Compliance witf~ Law <br />The performance of the selected contractor's services and all activities related to the selected contractflr's- <br />provision of service shall be in full compliance with all applicable federal, state and .local .laws, rules, <br />regulations, orders:and/ordJrectives. <br />B. Service Area and Location <br />Service area includES all of Orange Gounty and that part of the Town of Chapel Hill that lies within <br />Durham County. The Selected Contractor must be able to collect restaurants, groceries, schools, and <br />other organic waste generators generating over two tons per month in Ghapei Hill, Carrboro, Fiilisborough <br />and other designated locations in. unincorporated areas of the -county. Collections may take place <br />anywhere agr-eed upon by the County and selected contractor with. the coflperation of the generator. <br />The contractor must have the ability to incr.-ease by mutual consent with the County the number of sites <br />served above the current service. See Attachment A for a table of current costumers. In general, a_ <br />business in this program is expected to generate a minimum of fwo tons cf food and organic waste per <br />month, though exceptions maybe made based on mutual agreement of County and Contractor. The <br />County and the contractor may mutually agree to.redvice the number of service locations, if a site is not <br />performing or repeatedly contaminates the organics stream. <br />C. Material Collected <br />Materials collected by the contrac#er-must include food waste and any other organic material that can be <br />separated by the generator for collection except large amounts of yard waste, industrial waste such as <br />sludges or regulated wastes such as medical wastes. Fopd Waste may be prep waste or post consumer <br />waste including vegetables, fruits, meats, and grains. Bones, fats and dairy products must 6e accepted as <br />well. Other organic compostable material must be accepted as well including paper products such as <br />paper towels, paper plates, paper napkins, and floral waste. Paper coated with plastic or paper products <br />that have been used-with chemicals such as cleaners, solvents, or other chemicals should not ba <br />included with organic items. Large volumes of oils and greases typically associated with deep fryers <br />should not be put in with Food Waste. Incidental amounts of food grade oil and grease should be <br />accepted. Additional items or materials that could be accepted can be included in the proposal and are <br />negotiable. <br />
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