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Cammissianer Jacobs asked what was going an with the part of the interlacal agreement that <br />had to do with meeting about the disposition about the entire Greene Tract. Chair Carey said that <br />the group had not met yet. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked when the Solid Waste Advisory Board was going to start <br />meeting. John Link said that it would begin meeting as soon as possible in August. <br />Cammissianer Jacobs would like to make sure that Hillsborough and UNC make <br />appointments to the Solid Waste Advisory Board. John Link said that he would reinforce this. <br />Rod Visser said that UNC has not signed onto the interlocal agreement and he would follow <br />up. <br />6. School Budgets <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the information to address the shortfall for start-up costs. <br />John Link said that historically the same amount, $242,000, was appropriated from the capital fund <br />reserve for two different schools. This was for one-time start-up costs that related to capital. He <br />said that if the Commissioners appropriated $235,000 for the start-up costs for Pathways <br />Elementary School, it would address the need. This would allow the Orange County School <br />system to use the fund balance for other expansion items. He recommended that the Board <br />consider appropriating $235,000 to the Orange County School system from the capital fund <br />reserve. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Brawn to <br />appropriate $235,000 from the capital fund reserve for the Orange County School system to <br />address start-up costs for Pathways Elementary School. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Brown wants to discuss, in the fall, a strategy far including start-up costs <br />within the schools' capital budgets. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested using part of the funds generated from increased impact <br />fees for start-up costs. <br />John Link will get some information together by the meeting with the school districts an <br />September 25`h <br />Commissioner Gordon said that in listening to what the school systems presented, she would <br />like to justify some more funds for the schools, even though the target was exceeded. She said <br />that it seems that the costs of growth are taking over any new initiatives. She asked what the <br />Board thought about trying to find more money for the schools. <br />Commissioner Brawn said that there was a difference in needs in the Orange County and <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro systems. <br />Chairman Carey said that the decision that was just made would give same flexibility to the <br />Orange County School system. He feels comfortable with the Manager's recommendation and the <br />amendment to it for the Orange County School's capital fund. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he was very sympathetic toward the Orange County Schools, <br />and said that the additional allocation far the Orange County Schools would bring them up to 96°~ <br />of the requested funding. He feels that this additional allocation will give the Orange County <br />Schools the tools they need to address the most pressing needs to expand the programming. He <br />is pleased with the Manager's recommendation. <br />Commissioner Gordon verified that the Board was pleased with the Manager's <br />recommendation for the school budget. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would still like to discuss other options for funding the <br />schools that would work better. <br />7. Potential Tax Rate Reduction Scenarios <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that both scenarios reflect the same identified savings, taking <br />money out of the undesignated fund balance, and the fact that one new position was not funded. <br />Commissioner Gordon pointed out that the new position had two numbers and Budget <br />Director Donna Dean said that $40,904 was the correct figure. <br />