Orange County NC Website
Chapel Hill Museum and Historic Museum: <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to Commissioner Jacobs' request to fund the two <br />museums equally. <br />Chair Carey would like to know what the Chapel Hill Museum was going to da with $2Q,QQQ. <br />It was decided that the funding for the two museums would remain as recommended by the <br />Manager. Cammissianer Jacobs was not in favor of this decision. <br />Municipal Support: <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the 8% increase in the funding for the libraries. <br />Jahn Link explained that for the recreation and libraries he applied the increase that the <br />corresponding departments averaged in terms of the budget. <br />Disability Awareness Council: <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the issue with the Disability Awareness Council. <br />Sharron Siler said that the organization was requesting funding to hire apart-time Executive <br />Director to assist in grant writing, securing additional funds, and other activities. She explained the <br />various services of the council. <br />Cammissianer Brown said that the County found the Disability Awareness Council space at <br />the Skills Development Center and it was working out fine. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the $1,5QQ. Sharron Siler said that the council does <br />sensitivity awareness training with the towns and other employers. During the awards ceremony <br />they acknowledge employers who have provided assistance in hiring the disabled and employees <br />who have secured jobs that otherwise they would not have secured. The $1,5Q0 is for the ADA <br />celebration in July, the awards ceremony, and the various training in the community. They also <br />requested money from the towns. <br />Cammissianer Gordon asked John Link about funding for the outside agencies and the <br />difference between funding for administrative personnel and personnel that are actually delivering <br />services. She would be interested in knowing which type of position was being funded - <br />administrative or direct service. Jahn Link said that he would try to elaborate on this in the future. <br />Cammissianer Brawn asked if the Commissioners would be interested in a meeting with <br />everyone the County contributes to for youth programming. She would like to know about all of the <br />programs. John Link said that this meeting would be a good prelude to making a decision about <br />the requested $3Q,000 for a youth bureau. <br />The Board supports a meeting with all of the youth service organizations that the County <br />contributes to. The Manager will pursue this. <br />4. Complete County Departmental Focus (far those departments identified at 6113 budget <br />work session) <br />Human Services <br />Social Services: <br />Commissioner Brown asked for an explanation, for the members of the Board, for the <br />increase in the Medicaid money. Martin Whit said that there was an increase in Medicaid funding <br />because medical casts were rising and there has been a significant increase in the number of <br />people who are eligible far and receiving Medicaid. He mentioned that due to Health Choice, 7QQ <br />Medicaid cases have been added. <br />Chairman Carey pointed out that Orange County was one of the counties that enrolled more <br />than 1 QQ°lo of the projected Health Choice population from the state. <br />Cammissianer Jacobs asked why there was a decrease in personnel services under Budget <br />Highlights and a $6Q,QQQ increase under Operations. This is an page 7.6. Donna Dean said that <br />several seniors retired this year, so there was some basic savings from that. There were also <br />some savings in the travel-related accounts. The savings will go back into the fund balance. <br />