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John Link said that the Disability Awareness Council would like far the Board to consider <br />additional appropriations for disability awareness. The request focuses on additional funds to <br />assist with same additional staff support. <br />Research Triangle Regional Partnership: <br />This was flagged, and the Board will come back to it on June 20th. <br />Commissioner Jacobs recommends that the funding be cut in half and not funded fully. <br />Commissioner Gordon pointed out that there were two different agencies -The Greater <br />Triangle Research Council and the Research Triangle Regional Partnership. The number of <br />elected officials on the Greater Triangle Research Council was reduced from 10 to 8, and the <br />Triangle J Council of Governments appoints them all. She is representing Orange County an this <br />Council. <br />Chair Carey said that the Research Triangle Regional Partnership was a different group <br />involving 13 counties, and receiving some money from the state. <br />John Link clarified that the Triangle J Council of Governments receives monies from the <br />General Assembly through the various counties. The County repays the money back to the COG. <br />He said that this was the marketing cooperative of the Triangle where the various counties <br />appropriate money based on the population. <br />Commissioner Brown thought that the Research Triangle Regional Partnership was in the <br />Economic Development Commission budget. It was answered that this was reflected on the EDC <br />budget page. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there were three central counties -Durham, Orange, and <br />Wake. Orange County pays 15 cents per head. Durham and Wake Counties have ten members <br />an the Board of Directors, and Orange County has three. The other ten counties are paying 5 <br />cents per head, and they all have three members on the Board of Directors. There have only been <br />15 contacts for the last fiscal year for the $16,100 paid out. Of those, none provided any solid <br />leads. He would like to cut the contribution in half because it is not particularly serving Orange <br />County well. <br />Chair Carey said that he would rather focus on getting the most out of the investment and <br />challenging the EDC to do the same thing before deciding to cut the contribution. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that one of the problems was that the EDC was not represented <br />on the board. Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the extravagant spending within the <br />agency and that it was not applicable to Orange County. He does not mind being a participant, but <br />he does not want to pay far 10 seats. <br />Commissioner Brawn suggested that the Board of County Commissioners appoint the <br />representatives. <br />John Link suggested appropriating half of the funding and writing a letter outlining the County <br />Commissioners' concerns to the organization. <br />Commissioner Gordon would like to know why there are only three representatives from <br />Orange County on the Board of Directors. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to flag this at $8,000. Chair Carey would like to approve <br />$16,000, but sequester $8,000 until the concerns are addressed. <br />The Board agreed to approve $8,000 for the Research Triangle Regional Partnership, <br />sequester $8,000, and flag it for further discussion. <br />EI Centro Latino: <br />Commissioner Brawn asked why the recommendation far the EI Centro Latino was far only <br />half of the requested amount. John Link said that he did not normally recommend the full amount <br />for new agencies. <br />It was suggested to add $5,000 for La Fiesta Del Pueblo. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she was not in favor of increasing any amounts for outside <br />agencies. <br />