Orange County NC Website
SPECIAL CONDITIONS <br />A. Contract: Attached is a copy of the County's standardized contract. All insurance requirements <br />are contained therein Please read the agreement carefully as that document and this bid shall <br />constitute the agreement <br />B. Liability: The Contractor shall assume liability for damage or loss resulting from the wrongful act(s) <br />and/or negligence of the employees while they are on County premises. The Contractor or his <br />insurer shall reimburse the County for any such damage or loss within 30 days after a claim is <br />submitted. <br />C. Contract Period: The initial term of this contract will be for three (3) years, terminating on June 30, <br />2014. The contract may be extended for additional periods of two (2) years each, but not more <br />than four (4) years total. All changes in the terms and conditions of this contract, except those <br />directly related to frequency or level of service not totaling in excess of $500 annually, must be <br />confirmed in the form of a written amendment which is to be approved by Orange County. Those <br />minor changes involving frequency or level of service may be modified by letter from Solid Waste <br />Management Director. <br />D. Employees of Contractor:. The County of Orange reserves the right to approve or disapprove any <br />employees of the Contractor assigned to work in this building. Contractor shall provide copies of <br />background checks for all individuals performing work under this Agreement. All employees of the <br />contractor shall carry picture lD's issued by the contractor while at County facilities. The Contractor <br />shall be responsible for instructing employees as to the rules and regulations governing the <br />County owned buildings. Employees shall observe only the holidays and observances designated <br />by the Board of Orange County Commissioners (see Table 1): The Contractor agrees to be <br />responsible for and shall provide general supervision of all its employees working under this <br />contract. <br />The Contractor shall require that all its employees abide by the following rules: <br />1. They shall be of good integrity and character. <br />2. They shall not disturb any papers, boxes, or other items or materials except that in trash <br />receptacles or designated areas for trash or unless such materials are properly identified as <br />trash. <br />3. They shall report any property loss or damage to their supervisor immediately. The <br />supervisor shall report such damage within 24 hours to the County in writing, specifying the <br />location and extent of the damage and the circumstances surrounding the damage/. <br />4. They shall not open drawers, file cabinets, read work papers or use any telephone or use <br />office equipment unless given specific approval by the designated County representative. <br />5. They shall not leave keys in doors or admit any one into the building or office who is not a <br />designated employee of the Contractor. All doors which were locked upon entry will be <br />immediately relocked. All exterior doors shall be locked and lights turned off at the end of <br />the days cleaning. Keys shall not be duplicated and if additional keys are needed they <br />shall be provided by Orange County. At the end of the contract period or when employees <br />are terminated all keys are to be returned to the possession of Orange County. If all keys <br />BID 1618 PAGE 3 COMPANY NAME ~ ~ ~ rr ~~/~ fds r - ~ c: <br />