Minutes - 06-07-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 06-07-2000
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Elementary, as well as other needed positions. The expansion items make up 18°~ of the recommended <br />budget. He said that the budget request that the Commissioners were seeing was cut way down from <br />the requests that were received from the schools. He said that there was a shortage of $243,358 to <br />cover the mandates and the start-up costs for Pathways Elementary. He said that if Pathways <br />Elementary was opened this year and the mandates were funded, none of the expansion items would be <br />addressed. He asked that the County Commissioners increase funding far the Orange County schaol <br />system to cover some items in their expansion budget. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if there were any items in the expansion budget that were <br />priorities. Superintendent Bridges said that the priority was the reading teacher at Hillsborough <br />Elementary School. <br />Susan Halkiatis said that their budget has been funded at 94.1 °~. The requested increase <br />for this year has been funded 55.5% in a year that they are starting up a new school. The Orange <br />County school system does not have enough money to start up the new Elementary school. She thinks <br />that a mistake was made to set a target at 48.2% of the County's general fund for the schools. She said <br />that this allocation would have yielded $3,333 per student. The growth in the schools was not taken into <br />account -the new schools and additional students. She made reference to the joint meetings between <br />the school boards and the County Commissioners and said that the purpose of this was to let the County <br />Commissioners know ahead of time what new initiatives were on the horizon. She said that mergers, <br />district taxes, or district-wide taxes are solutions for the future but not for this year when they are trying to <br />open new schools. She feels that the schools have been very deliberate and efficient in planning for the <br />new elementary school and high school. She made reference to the trees that were cut on the Grady <br />Brown property in the clearing activities for the new high schaol. She said that an ordinance was <br />overlooked and it would be mitigated. The Orange County School system will approach the contractor. <br />However, if the contractor does not cooperate, she asked if they should sue, and if sa, if taxpayer's <br />money should be used. She asked that a packet be put together for outside contractors so that this <br />mistake does not happen again. She said that the Orange County school board was faced with a <br />decision of whether or not to leave a new school empty or to open it and not fund again the expansion <br />items that have been on the list for a number of years. <br />Keith Cook made reference to the record of achievement that Chapel Hill-Carrbara City <br />Schools talked about this evening. He said that the Orange County Schools have enough money to pay <br />bills and that is it. The Orange County school board is concerned and they want to have the same <br />achievement that Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools have. He does not feel that items like new school <br />startup costs should be part of their budget, but that they should be a separate item. He said that the <br />citizens who spoke up at the public hearings were asking the County Commissioners to raise taxes in <br />order for their children to continue getting a goad education. He asked that the County Commissioners <br />look at what has been allocated to the Orange County Schools and increase that amount so they can do <br />more than just pay bills. <br />Rick Kennedy feels that the County Commissioners are holding the schaol system back <br />and undercutting the kids. With reference to the special district tax, a new Elementary School could be <br />built each year with the $10 million that would be generated. Chapel Hill has the benefit of having water <br />and sewer and the rural buffer and can expand their growth. Orange County does not have these <br />benefits. He made reference to the mistake that was made with the trees at the new high school site and <br />compared it to the damage that has been done on Eubanks Road and other places in the County. He <br />said that Orange County Schools should not keep paying for this mistake. <br />Brenda Stephens said that she remembers the President's State of the Union Address in <br />January where he said that if we demand more from our schools, we must invest more in our schools. <br />Delores Simpson said that we are here far a common purpose. What the Orange County <br />School Board has asked for is reasonable and certainly not as much as is needed. The School Board <br />has concluded that these are the things that are needed. She asked that the County Commissioners <br />reconsider what was presented by the school board. <br />Bob Bateman said that the school board voted unanimously for the budget that was <br />presented. The school board felt that the Superintendent and staff did a tremendous jab in preparing <br />and presenting the budget. He believes that the County Commissioners have a fund balance that can be <br />used. He said that maybe when opening new schools, the County's fund balance could be used. <br />
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