Orange County NC Website
/~{ <br />FOR OFFICE USE ONLY <br />.tar-2- <br />€DUCAT~oN: ~. A . '~ ~ s 1. 1;~~~,{~ 5+~.~~, ~`la-~,c- <br />{~1;HER~Cl3MAAENTS: ~- <br /> <br />~~ <br />Hour did you becomts aware of Orange County.volunteeropporlunities? ,(Please cheaic all that <br />applyj: O Newspaper O County Web Page O Current~Orange Co ty Volunteer rn i 1.`~ <br />O Radio O T.V. ®Other ty' l S ro~ <br />ETHICS C~iREi_4NES'f-(3R <br />COUNTY ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />i agree by my signature below #hat, # appointed, I pledge to comply vritfi the following ethics guidelines #or <br />advisory boards and commissions as adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br />Members of advisory hoards and cxjrr~missions shah riot dtscuss, advocate, or vote on any (natter in <br />whldl they have a conflict or potential conftid of interest ar an interest which reasonably might <br />.appear to be M oonflid with the of fa'uness in .dealing with ;wblic iausinsss. A .corltiird Af <br />interest ar a potential conflict occxus if a member has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either <br />din3ct or indirect, in any issue or transadbn under consideration. Any. member who violates this <br />provision may be subject to removal from the board or commission. <br />tf an advisory board or oomrnissbn member relieves tre/~e has~a-oonftict or potetttiattx~nflid~t3f' <br />interest on a particular issue, then that member should state this belief to the other members of <br />hisfher resperxis-8 .advisory txaard or mrranission during the beard or ms's ~ubiic meeting. <br />The member should state the nature of the inflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or <br />monetary interest, either direct or indirect, In the issue or transaction under consideration. The <br />member should then excuse himself/herselffrcm considering and voting On the matter. In cases <br />where an advisory boani or commission~member declares a conflict or potential conirid of interest, <br />the member shall excuse himself/herselFfram the board tabfe/voting area urrtil ail discussion, <br />consideration, and voting is completed on the matter in question. <br />Any advisorgl board or ootnn~ission rrreraber having questions or lMg assisEartee ~gartifrig the <br />Interpretatbn of these ethics guidelines or other conflict of Merest matters should confect the <br />ardmitisttative stffif for the respective beard cr nommisaloa. Staff brill assist the member brith <br />questions and interpretations and may provide a recommendation on whether or not the advisory <br />board or commission member should excuse himsetf/herself from voting. Ttw member may request <br />that the stet( respond in writing. Staff may c~ntad the County Manager for any additional assistance. <br />if appointed. t agn:e to a#end ~a t-hour orientation whidt wiN gNe an overview of #~c~r grange Cflunty <br />Government operates and its rek'ttionship tv other governmental units. <br />Signaturt: <br /> <br />Date <br />a~8:; $: ~1..~uc <br />