Orange County NC Website
NC PHARI[ACY BD <br />Kristin L. Moore <br />4 PeeIIty Lane <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />919.942.9749 (home) ' <br />919.942.4454, ext 34 (work) <br />EDUCATION I~ <br />UNIVERSITY of NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, Chapel Hill, NC <br />Bachelor of Arta in Cornmuairtioas Studies, August 1998 <br />Concentration is InterpersasaUOrganitationa! (:omtnunications <br />(Finnrteed L00•rff R!*~aaor~ <br />TECl~IICAL YQYOWLEDGE OVEQVIEW <br />Windows 2000, Microso8 OHiec (Protieient is Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), Extensive intatttet research and <br />related cxpaionee ! <br />Typo approutir»arely 60 wpm <br />PROFESSIONAL EXPER~NCE <br />NORTH CfLROLINki BOARD OF PHARMAt'Y, Carrbora, NC <br />llwmo» Rasow~ces Jl~onage~/Speelo/ Projaev Coodieatar (//02 - preaea~ <br />ffuatetrt Resow~es/Benejitt Atimirttst-atiort <br />• New employee oricniaixon (exphutadon of benefits: enroll new eroployccs is organization's hcnltlt/dc»tal <br />pion, 401(lt) plan„ life and disability covaagc: disVibute oad a~lsia polity manual; discaroll auploye~ <br />upon separation, assist Extortive Director with exit interviews) <br />• Maintain petsaamcl 51es far full-that and part-since Board staff <br />• Work with Fittaneid Airetxor in obtsinittE bids for tamptoyee's hcalth/denial benefits (upon completion of <br />2002.03 hFaith/denW i»starancc contract is August 2003) <br />• Mahttainhetxmcile eaaployeea' vacatioNsickJpersoual leave rttordS monthly <br />• Assist in revision of current policy matawl/ereatioo of ntw one <br />^ Worl: with Facilities Manager is atointcnaoce of up-to-date fedexd and stale labor reguiatiom (peelers, ote) <br />• Contract wttlt Personnel Aget-ry for totnpaary employees ('interview, train, end eoordiaate schedule of <br />tceaporary~off~ce assistains throughout tAe year) <br />Spacial Prryeois Coordtrwtor (projects to dote irrelude): <br />Spatrish Pharmary Slgn <br />• Coordlaatc printing of pharmacy sigh fot Spanish-speaking Coasotuers (work whit Executive Qireaor and <br />various etrnnmuttity ksders. health avc profcssionats, and Callao orgatsization representatives; sigh's <br />fiutetion is W notify spaoish-speaking cunsumets'of avaih~bility of prtstription dtug lribcling and instructions <br />upon rtqu'rst) <br />• provide ir~ut ort style and text of siyu end revise si accessary; obtain bids Srrna SevC[al local printers fat <br />printing of slams, coondineto projax with sdcdcd priruc includinE manipulation and preparation of <br />eleetroniclSlcs for prird <br />• Conduct exansive rescatclt on issuer rtlatsd to Latino community health care i» NC and tuuionnlly in <br />preparation for act October 2002 keynote address by the Exctutivt Director m the Institute of Medici»e <br />• Assist LsatrlCUtive Ducting with statawidc end national ti++edia coverage of sign's felea.9t; cornpite press <br />releases cod varwus news aeticles inm pass let <br />• A:Sist Facceutive Director's ongoing ntFeKS to increase phanttaeists' awareness of Cation cotnmutlity's <br />presaiptiQ»-.e)eted rueda <br />Atuwol Reports <br />• AssemblgNC Boord oCPhattstaey Annual Reports s»d diFtribure to various Eova~nment o8ices oriel oge~tcics <br />:n ttccadtlnee with state law <br />• Obatin bids for ptifuing of Annual R,eporin; coottlinate ptojcd. with selected printer <br />Renewois (Novsiabet- Fdrtttary oFr~eh year) <br />