Orange County NC Website
10 <br />5. Relocate the sports and crafts equipment, currently stored in the facility to a <br />climate - controlled environment. <br />6. Contact both Orange County Schools and Chapel Hill /Carrboro City Schools <br />for the possible use of surplus kitchen equipment and furniture for the <br />computer lab. <br />7. Invite community representatives to participate in Phase 11 of the task force <br />planning process, to include design of the park and programming initiatives <br />for the facility. <br />8. Investigate the feasibility of establishing a Farmer's Market. <br />9. Develop marketing materials, to include but not limited to, signage to advise <br />the community of new services and events. <br />10. Assume responsibility for providing custodial and cleaning services for the <br />entire building. Note: The County currently provides cleaning services for <br />common areas off. <br />11.Assess the feasibility of housing the Orange County Alternative School. A <br />recent request was made from the Superintendent to use space that may be <br />made available from the possible relocation of Head Start. Note: This request <br />was received following the last task force meeting and the members have not <br />had an opportunity for review and discussion. <br />12. Extend current lease agreements to December 2001 contingent upon the <br />status of the Head Start program. <br />13. Develop a plan for establishing library and /or cybrary services at NHSC <br />similar to those recommended for the Carrboro Century Center. (See <br />Attachment XI II — Excerpt from Library Task Force 2001 Report — Library <br />Services at the Century Center). <br />Park: <br />1. Develop recreational facilities for the Kennedy tract, as identified in the <br />Master Recreation & Parks Plan, and contingent upon the location of the <br />sewer system. <br />2. Acquire additional property for recreational activities. <br />3. Pursue the septic system and external restroom facilities to serve the playing <br />fields and park. <br />