Agenda - 06-03-2003 - 8f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2003
Agenda - 06-03-2003 - 8f
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Last modified
7/14/2011 11:38:20 AM
Creation date
7/14/2011 11:38:18 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2003 S Solid Waste - Renewal of Contract for Curbside Recycling
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2003
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4 <br />Example 1: During Fiscal Year 2003-2004, to service a preschool which is assigned three (3) <br />curbside recycling bins and located in a residential area within one of the Towns, County will <br />be billed at the rate of 3 x $3.57 per month or $10.71 per month. <br />Example 2: During Fiscal Year 2003-2004, to service a church in unincorporated Orange <br />County which is assigned two (2) curbside recycling bins and located in a residential area, <br />County will be billed at the rate of 2 x $1.96 per month or $3.92 per month. <br />The cost of providing curbside recycling service to pedestrian recycling stations that are nearby <br />or adjacent to a curbside recycling route will be determined as follows: the cost will be equal to <br />five (5) times the cost of providing service to a household. <br />Example 3: During Fiscal Year 2003-2004 for Contractor to service a pedestrian recycling <br />station located at Carrboro Town Hall, County will be billed at the rate of 5 x $3.57 per <br />month or $17.85 per month. <br />d) Cost of Services for Future Fiscal Years <br />If County and Contractor mutually agree to extend this contract into Fiscal Year 2004-2005, the <br />cost of collection per household in 2004-2005 for both In-Town and Rural Curbside shall not <br />exceed the Fiscal Year 2003-2004 cost per household plus the increased cost factor provided <br />from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for Transportation for the South <br />Urban region as measured in January 2004 and compared to January 2003. The cost for In- <br />Town Curbside shall be reduced $0.06 per home per month for each increment of 5 homes per <br />hour collection efficiency over 50 stops per hour (see Section 4 of original Agreement). <br />e) Expansion or Reduction in Number of Units Serviced <br />The contract maybe expanded or reduced at the option of County to include additional or fewer <br />residential homes and adjacent small businesses, schools, institutions, churches, and pedestrian <br />recycling stations. If legislation or ordinances are passed which significantly impact the <br />participation in either program (Rural or In-Town), the cost of service for that program maybe <br />renegotiated between the Contractor and County. <br />County's Representative <br />The County's Representative, for purposes of this Agreement, shall be: <br />Joseph Clayton <br />Solid Waste Management <br />Orange County <br />PO Box 17177 <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27516-7177 <br />Ph. (919) 969-2072 <br />
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