Orange County NC Website
<br />FOR OFRICE USE eNl,r <br />CU -g"-~ { P~9 e- 2 a~ 2 am m~/ ~ c~ bS <br />. EDUCATfON: <br />OTHER CQMMEIVTS: <br />How did yg~ becane aware of orange County votunt®er opportunities? (Please check aft that <br />apply): [~3'Newspaper D County Web Page O Current Orange Cotmty Volunteer . <br />d Radio O T.V. O Other <br />ETHICS GUiDBL.iNES FOR <br />COUNTY AgVISbRY BOARDS AND COflAliittSSION3 <br />t agree by myaignature below that, if appointed. I pledge to compy with the faeaaring ethics guidelines for <br />advisory boards and commissions as adopted by the Orange County Board of Corrnnissbners. <br />Members of advisory boards and commissions shall not discuss, advocate, or vats on any matter in <br />• which they have a contliCt or potential Conflict of interest or an interest which reasoniably might appear <br />tD be In conflict with the concept of fairness in dealing with public business. A Conftid of interest or, a <br />• potenEiaal confect ooeurs if a member has a separate, private, w monetary interest, either direct or <br />indirect in any issue or transaction under consideration. Any member who violates this provision may <br />be subject to removal from the board or commission. <br />tf an advisory board or commtssbn member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of <br />interest an a particular issue, then that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her <br />respec8ve advisory board or cortunission during the board or commission's pubNa meeting. The <br />member should state the natun3 of the conflict, defaiGng that helshe has a separate, private, or <br />monetary interest, eithhei• direct or indirect, in the issue or transaction under consideration. The • <br />member should then excuse himseldherself from considering and vot'utg on the matter. In cases <br />where an advisory board or commission member doclar>;s a r~nftict or potential conflict of interest, the <br />member shall excuse himsetflhensdf from the board tableNOting area until all discussion, <br />avnsideratton, and voting is completed on the matter in question. <br />• Any advisory board or commission member having questions of needing assistance regarding the <br />interpretation of these ethics guidelines or other conflict of interest matters should contact the <br />adrrrinistratitre staff for the respective board or commission. Staff wIB assist the member with <br />questions and interpretations and may provide a trcommendation on whether or not the advisory <br />board Ot commission member should excuse himself/herself from voting. The member may t+equest <br />that the staff respond in writing. Staff may contact the County Manager for any additbnal assistance. <br />If appointed, 1 agree to attend athree-hour orientation which will give ~ overview of how Orange County • <br />Govemmeni operetes and Its relationshup to other govemmsntal units. <br />to <br />YDCDISKi:~MtCEN~ 1ri\_YO>a--I.OD[ <br />