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collectable delinquent ambulance bills; and 3) a bill that would not require the collection of deferred <br />taxes when use value property is transferred between farmers. The second resolution has to da <br />with legislation that has been introduced already or could be the subject of legislative efforts this <br />session. The resolution would support these matters as they come to the General Assembly <br />during this session. These items are as follows: 1) School Impact Tax; 2) Preserving farmland <br />and promoting small farms; 3} promoting viable agriculture/alternative farming and agricultural <br />practices; 4} asks far the support of increased exemption from taxation of homestead property; 5) <br />asks for the support of the Orange County delegation for construction and start-up expenses for a <br />Durham Technical Community College satellite campus in Orange County; 6} support a permanent <br />prohibition on billboards along I-40; 7) implementation of the Durham/Chapel Hill/Carrboro <br />Metropolitan Planning Organization position statement; 8} support the de-annexation proposal by <br />Hillsborough; 9} asks legislators to support a law to spread the costs for the care of delinquent <br />children with special needs among the state; and 10) asks legislators to maintain the partnership in <br />the agricultural cost-sharing program with the County. <br />Steve Yuhasz made reference to the Hillsborough de-annexation item and said that he <br />reviewed the Hillsborough proposal to de-annex the areas and asked if this means that the County <br />Commissioners oppose the de-annexation of just a portion of that property. Chair Carey said that <br />the request was that the legislative committee review the annexation and de-annexation policies of <br />the state to came up with some reasonable recommendations for how the state should proceed. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill explained that the other part of the resolution would encourage the legislators to <br />support the de-annexation of all of the satellite annexation that was done by Hillsborough several <br />years ago. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />close the public hearing and to approve the legislative agenda for 2000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked that the map for the de-annexed property be forwarded to <br />the legislators. He also asked that this legislative agenda be shared with the four towns in Orange <br />County and with the appropriate advisory boards (Ag Preservation Board, Advisory Board on <br />Aging, the school boards, Soil and Water Conservation, Planning Board, etc.}. <br />8. ITEMS FOR DECISION -CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the Consent Agenda as stated below: <br />a. Minutes <br />This item was removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br />b. Little River Regional Park and Natural Area -Exercise of Option to Purchase <br />This item was removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br />c. Grant Application to Land and Water Conservation Fund for Little River Regional <br />Park and Natural Area <br />The Board approved a joint grant application with Durham County to the Land and <br />Water Conservation Fund far development costs associated with the proposed Little River <br />Regional Park and Natural Area. <br />d. Contract with Orange County Raceway, Inc. (Kartway) <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a contract with Orange County <br />Raceway, Inc. at a rate of $45 per hour to provide medical coverage at kartway events. <br />e. Contract with Orange County Raceway, Inc. iOrange County Speedway) <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a contract with Orange County <br />Raceway Inc. at a rate of $35 per hour far Paramedic Response Vehicle, $50 per hour for <br />ambulance and paramedic and $10 per hour for each additional emergency medical technician, to <br />provide medical coverage at speedway events. <br />f. Budget Amendment # 11 <br />