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Now, Therefore, We, the Orange County Commissioners, do hereby proclaim May 15 -19, <br />2000 as <br />National Nursing Home Week 2000 <br />And urge all citizens to join with us in this observation. We encourage citizens to <br />visit our Nursing Homes and to express appreciation for the services performed by <br />nursing home staff and the advocacy efforts of the Nursing Home Community <br />Advisory Committee members who represent the public good for Orange County. <br />This the 16t" day of May, 2000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Dog Bite Prevention Week <br />Chair Carey read the resolution. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated below: <br />RESOLUTION <br />Dog Bite Prevention Week <br />May 21-27, 2000 <br />Whereas an estimated 4.7 million people, most of them children, are bitten annually by <br />dogs in the United States, and <br />Whereas millions of dog bite injuries could be prevented through public education and <br />responsible dog ownership, and <br />Whereas dogs who are properly trained and socialized, who receive adequate care and <br />attention, and who are safely controlled are less likely to bite, and <br />Whereas dogs who are sterilized are three times less likely to bite, and <br />Whereas dog bite prevention education is an important, but often omitted, component of <br />safety education programs far children and adults. <br />Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br />that May 21-27, 2000, is designated Dog Bite Prevention Week in Orange County in recognition <br />of the need to increase awareness of the problem of dog bite injuries and the many effective <br />solutions to that problem. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS -NONE <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Orange County's Legislative Agenda for 2000 <br />The Board held a public hearing on proposed items to be included in the County's <br />legislative agenda package for the 2000 N.C. General Assembly Session. <br />County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill made this presentation. The information for this item <br />is divided into two resolutions. He summarized the two resolutions. The first resolution contains <br />three bills in which the Commissioners would ask the General Assembly to introduce on behalf of <br />Orange County. These bills are as follows: 1) authority to regulate open burning in Orange <br />County; 2) authority to use the remedies of attachment and garnishment to collect otherwise <br />