Orange County NC Website
The Board considered approving a legal advertisement far the quarterly public hearing <br />scheduled for May 22, 2000. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict summarized the items in the advertisement. <br />Commissioner Brown asked that the Upper Eno item that has been deleted from the <br />May 22nd public hearing be brought back at the August 23`d public hearing if at all possible. <br />Craig Benedict said that he was going to try to notify the public of this issue in a delicate <br />way rather than a formal ad in the paper that scares everybody. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />adopt items 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Legal Advertisement far the quarterly public hearing on May 22, <br />2000. These items are as follows: <br />- Revise the Public Hearing Notification Process in the Zoning Ordinance <br />- Amend the application criteria for establishment of the Existing Commercial-V {EC- <br />5} zoning district <br />- Adapt new ordinance far Neuse River Basin Stormwater Protection Program <br />- Amend the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Board of Commissioners Legislative Agenda for 2000 <br />The Board was to consider potential items to be included in the Board of <br />Commissioners legislative agenda package for the 2000 N.C. General Assembly session. <br />Because of a lack of time, the County Commissioners decided that they would review the items as <br />presented and provide comments to the County Manager. <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Efland Sewer Fund -Demand-related Revisions to Fee Schedule <br />The Board was to receive a report on sewer demand in the Efland Area and consider <br />revising the fee schedule for sewer connections. However, this item was postponed to the May 16, <br />2000 meeting. <br />Commissioner Brown requested that this item come back with same information on <br />capacity of the sewer system. <br />b. Preview of Shaping Orange County's Future Provisional Report <br />The Board was to preview the Shaping Orange County's Future Provisional Report <br />However, this item was postponed to the May 16, 2000 meeting. <br />11. APPOINTMENTS- NONE <br />12. MINUTES- NONE <br />13. CLOSED SESSION <br />"To discuss the County's position and to instruct the County Manager and County Attorney on <br />the negotiating position regarding the terms of a contract to purchase real property," NCGS ~ 143- <br />318.11(a}(5}. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs "To <br />discuss the County's position and to instruct the County Manager and County Attorney on the <br />negotiating position regarding the terms of a contract to purchase real property," NCGS § 143- <br />318.11(a}(5}. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />13. ADJOURNMENT <br />