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• Co-mingling of capital expenses and operational needs in creating a target percentage <br />• Demands of technology improvement <br />• Examination of a Countywide approach to older school facilities <br />• More clearly defining federal and state mandates as compared to Board initiatives and <br />imperatives <br />• More equitable and flexible means for funding actual versus projected student enrollments <br />John Link made reference to the process by which capital projects are going to be <br />approved by the County Commissioners. He said that this was addressed in a separate document <br />and the staff is trying to incorporate the recommendations from the last work session. This item is <br />mare urgent and will be resolved by the end of June. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis spoke about two concerns. He feels that mandates should be <br />clear. It is either a mandate or it is not a mandate. It needs to come from the Manager's office as <br />to whether or not it is a state or federal required mandate. The continuation of a lack of clarity <br />should be stopped. He feels that targets are fine but situations may arise that may require <br />flexibility. He feels that the group needs to continue working on the remaining issues. He feels <br />that funding actual versus projected student enrollments should be done out of fairness. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked what was meant by benchmarks and said that she would <br />like to see standards like the ones for new school construction. Chair Carey said that the <br />benchmarks were listed on page three of the draft report. <br />Commissioner Gordan suggested setting standards for funding. She asked for <br />additional information on funding actual versus projected student enrollments. <br />John Link said that County staff is looking at legal requirements for pursuing actual <br />versus projected student enrollments. He said that the staff would propose that this issue not be <br />addressed this budget season. <br />Chair Carey made reference to the suggestions from Commissioner Gordon and said <br />that the benchmarks that the task force is recommending to be used for now are those that are <br />included in the School Funding Options Task Force report. <br />Commissioner Halkiatis would like to have a legal review an funding actual versus <br />projected student enrollments. He said that the state shows a complete lack of flexibility in this <br />area. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the County needs to make the definitions clear on <br />mandates. She feels this process needs to be adopted and started in the fall. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked what would happen with the 48.1 %. John Link said that <br />he would use the 48.1 % as a target, and the staff would look at the benchmarks, the indicators of <br />effort, and the issues of mandates and functional requirements compared to new initiatives. <br />Discussion ensued on determining the dollar amount of the County budget. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the technology improvements and the <br />technology budgets in the schools, which are huge, and asked about getting information about <br />technology spending for both school systems. John Link said that a good portion of the technology <br />funding would be in the capital budget. <br />A motion was made by Chair Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adopt the <br />recommendations as presented by Chair Carey and Commissioner Jacobs regarding the <br />establishment of school funding parameters. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Orange County Consolidated Housing PIanIFY 2000 Action Plan <br />The Board was to consider a resolution approving the Consolidated Housing Plan for <br />fiscal years 2000-2005 and a resolution approving HOME Program activities for fiscal year 2000- <br />2001. <br />This was postponed to the work session next week. <br />e. Quarterly Public Hearing Legal Advertisement <br />