Minutes - 04-24-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 04-24-2000
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8/15/2008 2:04:56 PM
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8/13/2008 1:47:12 PM
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Cammissianer Gordan agreed with setting up this committee but feels that there should be <br />increases for existing facilities. <br />Commissioner Brown agrees with doing a comprehensive study. She feels that additional <br />funding far libraries should come from the State. She made reference to the equity issue that is <br />reported each year by the Chapel Hill Library and the fact that it is not constructive. <br />John Link said that two elective items that the County Commissioners fund each year are <br />libraries and recreation. However, the County Commissioners are not mandated to fund either one. <br />Chair Carey mentioned that there was not as much of a demand for libraries because of the <br />Internet. He thinks the Commissioners should set a standard for this type of funding. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that she was feeling a lot of pressure from citizens for funding of <br />libraries and it is not even a core County function. <br />Cammissianer Jacobs said that there was a consensus of the Board to look at an expected <br />level of service for both libraries and recreation and that he would be willing to work on this Board. <br />He asked that comments submitted by the County Commissioners last year on the budget process <br />be returned to them. Also, he wants to be sure that news releases go out about the budget <br />meetings. <br />John Link made reference to the housing trust fund and said that he would try to incorporate <br />some appropriation to that fund. <br />Chair Carey said that he suggested a specific appropriation far the housing trust fund of <br />$200,000 a year until the vision and the County's role becomes clearer. There will be two task <br />forces in place that will give recommendations to the County Commissioners. He feels that the <br />County Commissioners should use the $200,000 figure as a starting point. <br />Cammissianer Gordan wants to see how the housing trust fund plays out in the scenarios. <br />She said that it is not a care County function either. She said that there are a lot of competing <br />needs in the County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he is not opposed to a specific amount of money but he is not <br />sure if the money for affordable housing should include those things the County is already doing or <br />far new initiatives. He needs additional information on what the County is doing at the present time <br />far housing. He suggested allocating one cent aver athree-year period, which would be <br />approximately $225,000 a year. He does not have enough information to set a specific amount. <br />Chair Carey said that he sees the fact that there is not a comprehensive plan not as a <br />deterrent for not setting aside an amount of money because ultimately the County Commissioners <br />will decide how to spend the money. He also wants to know what the current expenditures are for <br />affordable housing but not necessarily before he agrees to set aside an amount of money for this <br />effort. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis emphasized that the Orange County Board of Commissioners go <br />beyond funding the core functions in County government. He agrees with setting aside some <br />money for affordable housing. He agrees with Commissioner Brown's statement a few meetings <br />ago that the County Commissioners should ask for proposals according to what the Board wants to <br />see happen. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she feels the County should put funds into affordable housing. <br />She also feels that there are other ways to encourage affordable housing such as through the <br />County's Zoning Ordinance. She feels the County Commissioners should look at how the money <br />has been expended in the past. She asked about setting up a revolving account from the band <br />monies. <br />John Link said that the property tax money did not necessarily have to be used. He said that <br />he would present several proposals on how to fund affordable housing. He said that using the <br />sales tax would also be an option for funding affordable housing. <br />Commissioner Brown feels that the municipalities should be a part of funding affordable <br />housing and that there should be matching funds from the municipalities. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for information on keeping Aging and Transportation under one <br />Director and at what paint the County Commissioners would consider these two functions under <br />two departments. <br />John Link said that this would need in-depth study before a recommendation could be made. <br />
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