Minutes - 20030506
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030506
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Last modified
7/12/2011 3:40:03 PM
Creation date
7/12/2011 3:39:07 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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11 <br />High School #3, requiring a commitment to approve alternative financing for Elementary #10 in a manner <br />that allows for timely construction of that facility." <br />Chair Brown asked about the statement "requires a commitment of the Board of County <br />Commissioners." She did not think that the Board agreed to this. <br />John Link said that if the Board moves bond funds then the alternative for financing <br />Elementary School #10 is to use alternative funding. He said that the Board could use the word "intend". <br />He said that the intent of the public hearing is to assure citizens that if the Board appropriates the bond <br />funding for the high school project that was originally designated for the elementary school, then it <br />intends to finance the elementary school when the time comes. There is no legal requirement to say <br />any of this, but it is to respond to the citizens who voted for the bond issue. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he is troubled with implications of "requires the <br />commitment." He was happy with the original abstract. He feels that the changes are tying him up. He <br />said that he would not support the yellow sheet and will support what Commissioner Jacobs suggested. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she supported Commissioner Jacobs' suggestions also. <br />Chair Brown said that the location needs to be more precise. It says, "near Rock Haven", but <br />it is actually on Rock Haven and Smith Level Roads. She would also like to say, "near Culbreth Road" <br />so that it is very clear to the public where this location is. <br />Commissioner Jacobs changed his sentence to read, "The Board of County Commissioners <br />could reallocate 2001 bond funds for Elementary #10 to High School #3, necessitating a commitment of <br />funding for Elementary #10 in a manner that allows for timely construction of that facility." <br />After discussion of the language, Commissioner Jacobs changed the end of his sentence to <br />"necessitating other funding for Elementary #10." <br />Geof Gledhill asked if the Board of County Commissioners was still considering the second <br />sentence in #2 on the gold sheet, which reads, "The CHCCS Board of Education has requested that the <br />BOCC grant the school board permission to acquire that site which is located in the southern part of the <br />school district." He said that the CHCCS Board of Education requested that the Board approve money <br />based on appraised values of the properties that they have targeted, and that the Board consents to <br />them condemning the property, which is different than this sentence. He recommended that this <br />sentence include the statement from the resolution of the Board of Education. <br />The Board agreed to leave off the second sentence in #2 on Commissioner Cordon's <br />correction sheet. <br />John Link said that he did make the initial proposal in terms of reallocating the bond money. <br />Chair Brown read item #1 from the blue sheet. Commissioner Jacobs read the other <br />sentence that was to be added as follows: "The Board of County Commissioners could reallocate <br />2001 bond funds for Elementary #10 to High School #3, necessitating other funding for <br />Elementary #10." <br />Chair Brown then read item #2 as follows: "Provide citizens a chance to comment on any <br />other aspect of the proposed high school, including the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board <br />of Education preferred-site on Rock Haven and Smith Level Roads near Culbreth Road." <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the proposed May 27, 2003 Quarterly Public Hearing legal advertisement with the changes as <br />stated above (items #1 and #2 in the school item and the voluntary agriculture districts). <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b-1. Authorization to contract with Innovative Design for Analysis of Septic System Options <br />at the Northern Human Services Center in Cedar Grove. <br />The Board considered authorizing the Manager to contract with Innovative Design to conduct <br />an analysis of alternative septic options at the Northern Human Services Center for an amount not to <br />exceed $3,630 in preparation for submission of a grant to the North Carolina Energy Office. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that the grant application has a <br />deadline of next Tuesday. The project is to analyze an alternative septic system. The task force has <br />worked for about two years on the plans for development of this center. The staff met with an architect <br />last week, Mike Nicklas with Innovative Designs, and he presented an alternative septic system. <br />~~ <br />
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