Minutes - 20030506
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030506
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Last modified
7/12/2011 3:40:03 PM
Creation date
7/12/2011 3:39:07 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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io <br />Authority, Chapel Hill Transit." Then on page 21 at the top where it says, "Note: special emphasis <br />should be placed on how the system currently ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of their <br />scheduling and routing operations," she added, "Emphasis should also be placed on how well the <br />system coordinates its services with other transit services in the community or region. For example, <br />Triangle Transit Authority, Chapel Hill Transit." <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 21 and the note where it says, "their <br />scheduling" and clarified that it should say "its scheduling." Also, there is the part missing about the <br />Human Resources Transportation Advisory group and how it should be reconstituted. The Board might <br />want to have a different transportation advisory board that would have a broader purview than just <br />human resources. <br />AI Terry said that on May 20th they will be bringing the bylaws in front of the Board and the <br />Transportation Advisory Board will be changed to also allow a more global transportation board to <br />include planning, the environment, and other aspects. He pointed out that in this CTIP on page 11 - <br />Item 1 - a1 -they are looking at the complexity of the system as itself and whether it should be joined <br />with other area transit services or whether it should stand alone. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the separation of the Department on Aging was applied as <br />part of this and AI Terry said yes. Commissioner Jacobs asked that this be fleshed out a little more in <br />the document. <br />Chair Brown asked how to evaluate who is using the system. AI Terry said that the <br />consultant would go out and do surveys with the human agencies and with the community. <br />Chair Brown asked that the survey include whether the community uses it as a commuter <br />service to get to work. <br />Chair Brown asked how the two systems would coordinate and cooperate with each other. AI <br />Terry said that Chapel Hill operates under the urban laws of NCDOT and OPT operates under the rural <br />laws of the State. There could be some coordinated efforts between Chapel Hill Transit and Orange <br />Public Transportation. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this is a transportation board that looks at services and there <br />could be a transportation board that looks at policies, or a super board that looks at both. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve the Community Transportation Improvement Plan update with the changes as made by <br />Commissioners Gordon and Jacobs, the Scope of Worky and the appointment of Commissioners <br />Gordon and Jacobs to the Review and Selection Team, and that the Review and Selection Team will <br />submit recommended consulting firms to the BOCC on June 26th for approval. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Legal Advertisement for May 27, 2003 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />The Board considered authorizing the Planning Department to submit the Quarterly Public <br />Hearing Legal Advertisement for publication for the May 27, 2003 Quarterly Public Hearing. <br />Commissioner Gordon submitted some revisions on a yellow sheet and the staff's revisions <br />were on the blue sheet. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict said that there are some issues to be resolved regarding <br />the proposed third high school in the CHCCS about moving funds from one fund to another to <br />accommodate the timeframe. This needs to go to public hearing. Following that, there will be a public <br />hearing on some planning items. He went through the revisions on these items as stated in the abstract. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested a change on the master telecommunications plan where <br />the pre-identified sites are listed. He said that it should say voluntary agricultural districts. He said that <br />anyone can withdraw from a voluntary agriculture district at any time and there needs to be more of a <br />commitment on the part of the property owner for some long-term protection. <br />Commissioner Jacobs proposed a change in the language proposed by Commissioner <br />Gordon and said that it is too specific. His sense of a public hearing is that the public should come and <br />give comment and guidance. He said that the changes by Commissioner Gordon read that if the public <br />agrees to the certain points then the Board has all the rest already worked out. He added in the second <br />sentence, "The Board of County Commissioners could reallocate 2001 bond funds for Elementary #10 to <br />10 <br />
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