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The Board exercised an option to renew a lease far offices of the Clerk of Court at 112 <br />N. Churton St. for the period July 1, 2000-June 30, 2003, in the amount of $165,736 over the lease <br />term and authorized the Chair to sign. <br />h. Revisions to the Voluntary Farmland Preservation Program (VFPP) Ordinance <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda. <br />i. Acquisition of Register of Deeds Imaging System <br />The Board approved agreements for acquisition and implementation of imaging and <br />retrieval software for the Register of Deeds office. <br />L Purchase of Laptop Computers <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda. <br />k. Petition for Addition of Elizabeth Walters Road to the State Maintenance Program <br />The Board approved a petition from NCDOT for the addition of Elizabeth Walters Road <br />in Hannah Creek subdivision, Cedar Grove township, to the state-maintained secondary road <br />system . <br />I. NCDOT Petitions for Addition of Realigned Segments of four Roads to the State <br />of-way Alignments of same four Roads to Property Owners <br />The Board approved a petition by NCDOT to add realigned segments of four roads to <br />the state-maintained secondary road system and the abandonment or maintenancelreturn of the <br />old road segments to property owners. <br />m. Program Agreement - OrangelChatham Opportunities ilntensive Services) <br />The Board approved the receipt of approximately $9,185 for Orange-Chatham <br />Opportunities Intensive Services. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />a. Appointments <br />The Board considered appointments to the Adult Care Home Cammunity Advisory <br />Committee; Cable TV Advisory Committee; Carrboro Planning Board; Commission for Women; <br />Community College Task Farce; Human Services Advisory Commission; Nursing Hame <br />Community Advisory Committee; and, Chapel HilUOrange County Visitors Bureau. <br />Commissioner Brown requested that the appointments for the Carrboro Planning Board <br />be postponed to allow additional time for recruitment of more applications. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the following appointments: <br />Tracy Diefenderfer was appointed to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee <br />far the term ending April 6, 2002. <br />John Gilbert was appointed to the Cable TV Advisory Committee far the term ending <br />December 31, 2001. <br />Jacqueline Philips and Amy Adams were appointed to the Commission for Women for the <br />term ending June 30, 2001 and Tarsha Marcel Franklin and Terry B. Hill for the term ending June <br />30, 2002. Jacqueline Philips was moved from position number 18 {at-large} to position number 5 <br />(non-Ch/non-Hillsborough Township), and Terry B. Hill was appointed to position number 18 (at- <br />large}. <br />Dorothy Pennell was appointed to the Cammunity College Task Farce for the Employment <br />Security Commission as anon-resident consultant. <br />Rosetta Wash was moved from position 16 (at-large) to position 2 (Interfaith Council) of the <br />Human Services Advisory Commission because Natalie Ammarell resigned. This is for the <br />unexpired term ending March 31, 2002. Marvin Block and Rebecca Young were also appointed to <br />the Human Services Advisory Commission for the term ending March 31, 2003. <br />