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ii. DSS will provide a monthly invoice to Orange County Schools for <br />reimbursement of the costs of the social workers not covered by Medicaid. <br />The County's invoice will include all costs associated with the social <br />worker positions including costs for salary and benefits of the social <br />workers based on the Orange County pay plan; FICA taxes; local <br />government retirement; vacation, sick, petty, or other leave under <br />approved county plan; paid holidays as observed by county; county paid <br />insurance (health, dental, and life) and all other costs associated with these <br />positions. <br />iii. Orange County will not provide any funds to cover the cost of the social <br />workers, if the costs provided by either Orange County Schools or the <br />Medicaid At Risk Case Management Services cease to exist this <br />Agreement will terminated unless another source of funding can be <br />identified. <br />b. Work together to develop procedures for referral and service provision for <br />students at the schools. <br />c. Coordination of Work Assignments and Leave. Assignment of work to the social <br />workers and coordination of sick, vacation, and other leave will be the joint <br />responsibility of the liaisons and DSS. <br />d. Performance of Social Workers. Although the Social Workers are Orange County <br />DSS employees, if at any time Orange County Schools determines that a social <br />worker's performance or professional interactions are inadequate or inappropriate, <br />Orange County Schools may request that DSS initiate appropriate action to correct <br />or dismiss that employee. Any disciplinary action shall be pursued in compliance <br />with the Orange County Personnel Ordinance and the State Personnel Act. Upon <br />request, Orange County Schools shall provide sufficient documentation to support <br />any such action. <br />e. Business Associates Agreement. To abide by the conditions set forth in attached <br />Business Associate Agreement, which is attached hereto and incorporated by <br />reference. <br />5. Termination. <br />a. This Agreement or its renewals may be terminated at any time without penalty by <br />either party provided that written notice of such termination is furnished to the <br />other party at least 60 days prior to termination. <br />b. This contract may be terminated within 30 days if sufficient funds are not <br />available to pay the costs of the positions. <br />3 <br />