Minutes - 03-29-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 03-29-2000
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Commissioner Brown made reference to the Recommendations of the School/Parks Reserve <br />Committee of May 6, 1999 and pointed out the third criterion for evaluating funding which reads: "County funding <br />contributions should not be made for parks design or planning, unless County funds are used to complete the <br />project." She asked what had been paid out far the Northern Chapel Hill Community Park and Homestead Park. <br />Finance Director Ken Chavious has not disbursed any funds for the Northern Chapel Hill Community <br />Park or Homestead Park, but he will check it out. <br />Commissioner Brown asked for a statement on how bond money was promised to be disbursed and <br />how the bond money is being spent. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for clarification of any money committed for Smith Middle School fields. <br />Commissioner Brown mentioned that she stopped by Homestead Park and that the skate board park <br />that the County helped to fund was jammed with kids. <br />Chair Carey said that this part of the park should be publicized. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 20 and the Chapel Hill schools plan far expanding <br />their parking and said that maybe the school systems could get involved in the energy efficient vehicles. <br />f. Agriculture Center <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 28 regarding the Agriculture center and asked about <br />the time frame for the recommendations coming back to the Commissioners and David Stancil said that it would be <br />October or November of 2000. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to know if this effort is still worthy to pursue. <br />Commissioner Brown said that this also interfaces with the space study. <br />g Orange Enterprises <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 40 and clarified that the matching funds were in the <br />amount of $10,500. <br />Budget Director Donna Dean said that this appropriation was made several years ago in hopes that <br />Orange Enterprises could use it as matching funds to receive a grant from the state. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the status and Donna Dean said that she has not heard from <br />Orange Enterprises this fiscal year, but she has received a request for funding for the upcoming fiscal year. <br />John Link clarified that Orange Enterprises has not asked for capital money. <br />Commissioner Jacobs wants to know about the long-range plan for Orange Enterprises. <br />h. Senior Centers <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Senior Centers on page 45 and asked about pursuing <br />some space for a centralized center. <br />John Link said that he is expecting a report back from the group working in central Orange County. <br />Department on Aging Director Jerry Passmore said that these reports would be coming back in the <br />Master Aging Plan. <br />i. Land Legacy <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to pages 73 and 75 and the utility expansion and suggested <br />considering the land legacy program a high priority along with affordable housing as having a dedicated funding <br />source. As far as utility expansion development monies, he would like to know what years these monies were <br />appropriated and whether this is the best way to spend this money to promote economic development, ar whether it <br />should be a grant or a loan. He would like to consider other ways to use the money to promote economic <br />development and produce an equal number of jobs. <br />Chair Carey said that this is something for which the Economic Development Commission could <br />come back with some recommendations. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he was not suggesting appropriating more funds, but looking at the <br />concept and whether there was a better way to promote economic development. <br />John Link agreed and clarified that the purpose was not being changed, just the definition to expand <br />the funds to use for other purposes. <br />John Link clarified that in terms of the public hearing there would be a note that this issue would be <br />broadened in terms of possible utility expansion. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if there was anything in the budget to upgrade physical building <br />problems at Parks and Recreation. <br />Public Works Director Wilburt McAdoo said that as part of the overall project, there were items <br />included for the building. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she was specifically talking about the problems with the windows. <br />
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