Orange County NC Website
The Board approved one late application far homestead property tax exemption for the <br />1999 tax year in accordance with the resolution incorporated herein by reference. <br />g_ Lease Agreement for Relocation of High Rock Road Solid Waste Convenience <br />Center <br />The Board included a rent escalator clause in the lease agreement for the relocation of <br />the High Rock solid waste convenience center and authorized the Chair to sign the agreement. <br />h. Memorandum of Agreement with UNC School of Dentistry for Health Department <br />Smart Start Grant <br />The Board renewed an agreement with the UNC School of Dentistry far the Health <br />Department Smart Start Grant and authorized the Chair to sign. <br />i. Contract with DMG-Maximus, Inc. to Conduct a Cost Study for Personal Health <br />Services <br />The Board awarded a contract to DMG-Maximus in the amount of $11,000 to conduct a <br />cost study far the Health Department to help determine fees for personal health services and <br />authorized the Chair to sign. <br />L Budget Amendment #7 <br />The Board approved the Pathways School capital project ordinance far the Orange <br />County school district and authorized the Chair to sign. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA <br />a. Boundary and Conservation Easement Survey of Duke Forest Property for County <br />Acquisition <br />The Board considered awarding a contract to Callemyn-Parker and Associates in the <br />amount of $5,617 for survey services associated with the County's purchase of 63 acres from <br />Duke University far open space and watershed protection. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the timetable for completing the acquisition of this <br />property and Rich Shaw said that closing of the property is anticipated to occur at the end of <br />March. There are a few administrative details that need to be taken care of first. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />award a contract to Callemyn-Parker and Associates in the amount of $5,617 for survey services <br />associated with the County's purchase of 63 acres from Duke University for open space and <br />watershed protection. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Personnel Ordinance Revision -Tuition Refund <br />The Board considered updating the Orange County personnel ordinance to increase the <br />tuition refund amount for eligible County employees from $300 to $600 per fiscal year. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that when Duke University is included in the list of colleges <br />at $1,620, it increases the average from $480 to $605. <br />Elaine Holmes, Personnel Director, said that Duke University was included sa the <br />Commissioners could have the information and see the tuition amounts at the area universities. <br />The amount of $600 was recommended because the staff looked at the overall amounts provided <br />by the employers in the area. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the people who have participated in this benefit and <br />what they have studied. <br />Elaine Holmes said that the courses range from accounting, computer, social work, and <br />technical courses. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve updating the Orange County personnel ordinance to increase the tuition refund amount far <br />eligible County employees from $300 to $600 per fiscal year. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />