Minutes - 02-08-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 02-08-2000
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Agenda - 02-08-2000
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are efficiency and being systematic. She feels that if three County Commissioners want to <br />serve an a subcommittee there should be a work session, and if no commissioners want to <br />serve then there should not be a subcommittee. She said that she tried to structure the <br />proposed committees so that they would address the Commissioners' goals and objectives. <br />She said that she proposes a Public Safety, Public Works, and Solid Waste Committee as <br />opposed to Commissioner Jacobs' proposal of Solid Waste, Public Safety, and Environment. <br />She also proposed a Land Use, Open Space, and Resource Protection Committee. She feels <br />that there should be a definite procedure far assigning groups. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that each County Commissioner represents a different <br />perspective. He said that if there was not trust between the people at the table in entrusting <br />their peers to ga out and da something, this would not work. He said that there are the same <br />issues with the Northern Human Services Center today that there was in 1986. He feels that <br />the Commissioners need to empower one another to do things. <br />Chair Carey agrees that if there is not some element of trust with one another to move <br />things along, the Board will not be efficient and get things done. He feels that if there has to be <br />a consensus to refer things, there will not be as many things referred to a subcommittee. He <br />feels that the blue sheet from Commissioner Jacobs reflects everything he would like to <br />incorporate into this process. <br />Commissioner Brown does not support the committee structure but does support the <br />task farces and quick response teams. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis is concerned with how to guarantee that things came to fruition <br />by using the subcommittees. <br />Commissioner Gordon agrees with Commissioner Brown in continuing with the task <br />forces. <br />Jahn Link said that remarkable progress has been made by using the task farce <br />approach to move issues along. He suggested having a running sheet showing the task forces <br />that the County Commissioners have made a commitment to serve on. <br />Chair Carey feels a timeline should be placed on any new task farce or committee. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels that the real significance of getting Senator Edwards' <br />support in the CP&L issue is the fact that not only three Orange County Commissioners <br />attended, but also two state legislators and Commissioners from other Counties attended. He <br />feels the Board needs to capitalize on this process. He said that the Board needs to track their <br />goals and objectives on a continuous basis. <br />Commissioner Brown suggested looking at these proposals again at the Board of <br />County Commissioners' goal setting retreat in December and move ahead using what has <br />already been set up for this year and evaluate it before the December retreat. <br />Chair Carey would like to bring the process piece back at the next meeting. He will bring <br />back a recommendation to the Board. <br />4. Outstanding Issues from January 20. 2444 Retreat _ Review of Selected 1999-2444 <br />Goal Updates <br />Master Aging Plan Task Force <br />Dr. Florence Soltys, Chair of the Aging Board, gave a report of the work done to date by <br />the Master Aging Plan Task Force. She said that there are 1 Q8 people participating on the <br />various committees for the Master Aging Plan. There are three key themes that apply to the <br />three categories of the aging (the well, people who have health issues, and the frail): 1) <br />Information and Communication; 2) Mental Health and Emotional Well Being; and 3) <br />Accessibility, Affordability, Acceptability, and Availability. The Task Force will come back to the <br />Board in May and June with some more specificity and financial issues. She summarized the <br />major issues for each category of the aging. She asked the Board if there were concerns with <br />what the Task Force has done so far. <br />There was a consensus by the Board to move ahead with the next phase of the Master <br />Aging Plan. <br />
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