Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Brown asked Craig Benedict for a map of the roads that are experiencing <br />an increase in traffic. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked for an explanation to tell the public the revisions of the <br />procedures far concept plan approval. This is on page three of the agenda abstract, under #1, <br />item b and item c. She also asked that the wording for the notices be the same as the <br />explanation far the public hearing advertisement. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if the clusters could be broken down into rural and urban <br />clusters when this is brought back. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the analysis of clusters and recommended <br />making it clear as to what would be done to preserve rural character versus what would be done <br />to achieve other goals. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the advertisement for the February 28, 2000 quarterly public hearing with the deletion <br />of items Al and A2. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />2. Staff Report an Practices Elsewhere in North Carolina on BOCC Rotation of <br />Officers <br />John Link said that 90°~ of the counties in North Carolina use the same process as <br />Orange County in the selection of the Chair and Vice-Chair. He referred to the material that was <br />distributed to the Board. <br />Chair Carey said that there are a few counties who do rotate their Chair and Vice-Chair, <br />but it is not codified in any way. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested doing a search on NACa's website far how counties <br />across the U. S. select officers. <br />Commissioner Gordon questioned why this is being discussed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it is being discussed so the Board could be more <br />focused and efficient on agendas. He suggested asking the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School <br />Board haw they do their election of officers because it seems that that board has been mare <br />defined and focused in the past year. <br />The staff will research NACo's website on how other counties in the U. S. elect officers. <br />3. Staff Report on BOCC Standing Sub-Committee Options <br />Jahn Link summarized the information he obtained from Catawba and Cumberland <br />Counties. He briefly outlined the main points of the administration's recommendation. The <br />administration recommends that any committee that is undertaking a specific charge by the <br />Board should have two Commissioners or less serving on that committee. Also, the committee <br />should report back periodically to the Board. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the information on the blue sheet that was <br />distributed entitled, "Yet another take on BOCC standing subcommittees." He summarized the <br />following five subcommittees that he proposed: 1) General Operations/Personnel and <br />Facilities/Operations/Internal Relations; 2) Human Outreach/Human Services -education will be <br />included in this subcommittee; 3} Beyond OrangelExternal Relations; 4} Solid Waste, Public <br />Safety, and Environment; and 5) Land Use and Open Space. He suggested that the <br />Commissioners serving on the various subcommittees could rotate every year. He said that the <br />next step would be to adopt some guiding principles on topics and communication. He feels <br />there should be standardized reporting procedures to the Board. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to information in the agenda beginning on page <br />six that summarized her proposals, which also included five committees as well as other <br />proposals. She said that at this time the Board has Commissioner task forces. She feels that <br />the purpose of these groups is to increase efficiency. She feels that a Commissioner should not <br />be forced to serve on one of these groups but that it be something the Commissioner is <br />interested in and wants to do. As far as a transition, she feels the task forces that are already <br />formed should continue and new ones could begin as needed. She thinks the two key issues <br />