Agenda - 03-24-2003 - 10c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-24-2003
Agenda - 03-24-2003 - 10c
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Last modified
6/30/2011 4:23:24 PM
Creation date
6/30/2011 4:23:21 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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ORD-2003-024 Personnel Ordinance Revision - Drug and Alcohol Testing
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9 <br />Attachment <br />11.5.2 Random <br />a. Random drug and alcohol testing occurs while the employee is <br />on-duty, immediately prior to performing covered duties, or <br />immediately after performing covered duties. <br />b. For random testing purposes, the pool of employees <br />covered under Federal drug and alcohol testing regulations <br />is maintained separately from the pool of County safety <br />sensitive employees as designated by the County. <br />c. Selection of employees for random testing is made by a <br />scientifically valid random sampling method. Each time a <br />random selection is made, each employee has an equal chance <br />of being selected. Random tests are unannounced and spread <br />reasonably throughout the year. <br />d. The Personnel Department notifies the department of the <br />employee(s) identified for random testing. The department <br />notifies the employee. Once notified of a random test, the <br />employee proceeds immediately to the testing site by <br />transportation which may be provided by the department. <br />11.5.3 Post-Accident <br />a. As soon as practical following a covered accident, the supervisor <br />or department head arranges for a drug and alcohol test to be <br />administered to the covered employee. If the need for the test <br />arises outside of County business hours, the supervisor or <br />department head may obtain necessary information to <br />arrange for the drug and alcohol test from the County 9-1-1 <br />Center. <br />b. The post-accident alcohol test should be administered within two <br />hours, and no later than eight hours following the accident. If the <br />test is not administered within two hours, the supervisor must <br />document, and submit to the Personnel Department the reason <br />the alcohol test was not administered. If the alcohol test is not <br />administered within eight hours following an accident, attempts to <br />administer the test cease and the supervisor documents and <br />submits to the Personnel Department the events that resulted in <br />the failure to administer the test. <br />_. <br />__ <br />___ <br />__ <br />c. Apost-accident drug test must be administered within 32 hours <br />following the accident. If the drug test is not administered within <br />32 hours, the supervisor should document, and submit to the <br />
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