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The Commissioners have not approved capital project ordinances for the projects receiving <br />funds this fiscal year due to the fact that the actual issuance is just now occurring. The attached <br />capital project ordinances (Attachment 4 of this abstract) provide budgets for the approved <br />projects and allow for expenditures for County projects and for those school-related projects that <br />are not considered "Level 2" projects as defined by the Board approved Policy on Planning and <br />Funding School Capital Projects. A capital project ordinance is not included for Orange County <br />Schools Hillsborough Elementary School because the Board of Commissioners approved that <br />ordinance on September 11, 2002. <br />By definition, "Level 2" projects are considered "major projects that require several phases to <br />complete". There are two school related. projects that fall into the "Level 2" category -Chapel <br />Hill High School Rashkis Elementary and Orange County Schools Middle School #3. The most <br />recent Commissioners approval for Rashkis Elementary occurred on June 27, 2002. In <br />accordance with the Board approved policy, the next step for the planned middle school in the <br />Orange County School district is for the OCS Board of Education to request funding for the initial <br />planning phase of the project. Once that step occurs, staff plans to follow the guidelines outlined <br />in the planning and funding policy. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve the attached budget and capital project ordinances. <br />