Orange County NC Website
<br />8. Items for Decision--Consent Agenda (8:45-8:55) <br />a. Minutes <br />b. Appointments <br />(1) Carrboro NTA Advisory Committee <br />(2) Carrboro Planning Board <br />(3) Historic Preservation Commission <br />(4) Information Technology Advisory Committee <br />(5) Orange. County Planning Board <br />(6) Recreation and Parks Advisory Council <br />c. Jail Inspection Report <br />d. Hold Harmless Letter for Firearms Training <br />e. Budget Amendment #9 <br />f. Proposed Land Donation from The Nature Conservancy <br />g. CJPP Continuation Grant Application <br />h. Inter-local Agreement with the Town of Chapel Hill -Cost of GIS Products and Services <br />i. Bid Award: Buffer Planting Plan at the New C & D Landfill <br />j. Housing Rehabilitation Contract Award <br />k. Confirmation of Analytical Elements of Board Goal on Possible School Merger <br />1. Request to Appropriate Eno Fire Department's Fund Balance for Land Acquisition <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Appointments (8:55-9:05) <br />(1) Recreation and Parks Advisory Council <br />10. Reports <br />a. Joint Orange Grove Road Transportation Group (9:05-9:25) <br />b. Results of Phase 1 Emergency Communications Study (9:25-9:45) <br />c. Personnel Ordinance Revision - Drug and Alcohol Testing (9:45-10:10) <br />11. Closed Session <br />12. Adjournment <br />Note: Access the agenda through the County s web site, <br />