Orange County NC Website
Board of Aldermen, legislators, and all elected officials in Orange County, the resolution as stated <br />below: <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION SUPPORTING CARRBORO GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENS <br />IN <br />URGING DUKE POWER TO ADOPT ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE <br />TREE REMOVAL POLICIES <br />Whereas, the citizens of Orange County rely an utility corporations to provide electric power; and <br />Whereas, electricity is a necessity of modern life, essential to a community's health, safety and <br />welfare; and <br />Whereas, electric utilities and their employees doing business in Orange County pride themselves <br />on being part of the community; and <br />Whereas, responsiveness to the concerns of the public is a key component to community <br />involvement and an increasingly important trait to cultivate as the state moves toward electric <br />deregulation; and <br />Whereas, citizens and the government of Carrboro implore Duke Power to reconsider its policies <br />with regard to removal of trees within and proximate to its right-of-way; and <br />Whereas, individuals whose property is crossed by Duke Power lines should not be forced to bear <br />an undue burden in maintaining the lines; <br />Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners calls upon <br />Duke Power to work with Carrboro elected representatives and citizens to achieve a more <br />environmentally sensitive resolution of tree removal issues, to insulate the landowners from the <br />expensive tree removal, and expresses its intention to work with all electric utilities operating within <br />the County to improve communication and coordination regarding environmental concerns. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS -NONE <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Public Hearing and Adoption of Bond Orders for Twa-thirds Bands <br />The Board was to hold a public hearing required for the issuance of two-thirds bonds <br />and consider final adoption of the bond order and publication resolution. <br />This item was postponed. <br />8. ITEMS FOR DECISION -CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve those items on the Consent Agenda as stated below: <br />a. Appointments <br />This item was removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br />b. Minutes <br />The Board was to consider approval andlor correction of minutes from the following <br />meetings: March 22, 1999 work session; April 14, 1999 JPA public hearing; May 11, 1999 budget <br />work session; June 8, 1999 budget work session; June 15, 1999 budget work session; June 21, <br />