Orange County NC Website
Legislative Initiatives <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested involving Triangle J Council of Governments with the <br />County's legislative initiatives. <br />John Link suggested that the County Commissioners write Ron Aycock at the North <br />Carolina Assaciatian of County Commissioners to let him knave that the County Commissioners are <br />placing a greater emphasis an legislative items that are important to Orange County. <br />Chair Carey said that when the legislation is finished, he gets the list of issues from the <br />association, but the Board does not talk about the issues that relate to Orange County. He <br />suggested devoting some time at the end of a work session to go aver some of the decisions that <br />are made in the legislature. <br />Agenda Chancres <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that the Board of County Commissioners be provided a <br />notebook of face sheets for agendas. Also, the staff could provide a disk with all the face sheets, <br />organized by topic. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that the Manager and Clerk come up with a way to <br />accomplish this and an easy way to research things without having so much paper. <br />IV. Review of Selected 1999-2000 Goals review by exception those Goals which need <br />discussion or fundamental chances in preparation for adoption of BOCC Goals for 2000- <br />2001 later this spring) <br />Affordable Housing <br />WaterlSewer Service Boundary <br />Chair Carey summarized the procedure that the Water/Sewer Service Boundary Task <br />Force followed. He said that the Task Force developed a document that had components that <br />everyone agreed with and some components in which there was a majority agreement. This has <br />resulted in the Town of Hillsborough reviewing the document and deciding that it could not sign the <br />document. The Town of Carrboro reviewed the document and criticized some aspects of it <br />tremendously. The Town of Chapel Hill reviewed it and adopted some parts of it in concept. <br />Orange County referred the document to the Planning Board for a recommendation. He said that <br />all jurisdictions need to be in agreement with most of the document for it to be successful. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested bringing this document back to the Board at the February <br />8t" work session, reach a consensus, and send it forward. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested asking Hillsborough to look at this document again and <br />tell the Board what they like and what they do not like about the agreement. <br />Chair Carey said that he met with the Mayors a couple of weeks ago and he raised the <br />issue about how the Mayors felt about trying to revive the document, and the Mayors felt that there <br />were some parts of it that were worth reviving. He agreed to bring something back to the Mayors <br />in early March. <br />John Link asked Rod Visser to follow up on this and sort out the major issues of the <br />document that are not in agreement, similar to the Interlocal Agreement. <br />Commissioner Brown suggested going through the agreement and identifying the issues. <br />This will be on the February $t" Board of County Commissioners' work session agenda. <br />IT Plan <br />Strategic Communications Plan <br />Solid Waste <br />