Orange County NC Website
f. Scarlette Drive Townhome Proiect <br />The Board considered: 1} approving the allocation of $131,000 in HOME Investment <br />Partnership funds to Orange Community Housing Corporation in the form of a grant and <br />authorizing the County Manager in consultation with the County Attorney to execute a Grant <br />Agreement on behalf of the County. 2} approving the allocation of $140,000 in Housing Bond <br />funds to the Scarlette Drive Townhome Development; the Capital Project Ordinance authorizing <br />the expenditure of $140,000 in housing bond funding; and authorizing the County Manager upon <br />the County Attorney's review and approval, to execute a Development Agreement with Orange <br />Community Housing Corporation on behalf of the County. <br />Commissioner Gordon noted an error under the Housing Bond Project Summary. The <br />wrong project and amount was listed and Tara Fikes said that she would correct it. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the property standards on page eight and <br />said that there were not any on the other grants. <br />Tara Fikes said that local building codes were referenced in the other agreements <br />because HOME requires that property standards must be met. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the allocation of $131,000 in HOME Investment Partnership funds to the Orange <br />Community Housing Corporation in the form of a grant and authorize the County Manager in <br />consultation with the County Attorney to execute a Grant Agreement on behalf of the County. Also, <br />to approve the allocation of $140,000 in Housing Bond funds to the Scarlette Drive Townhome <br />Development; the Capital Project Ordinance authorizing the expenditure of $140,000 in housing <br />bond funding; and authorize the County Manager upon the County Attorney's review and approval, <br />to execute a Development Agreement with Orange Community Housing Corporation on behalf of <br />the County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />g_ Community Revitalization Program <br />The Board was to consider approving revised operational guidelines far the Community <br />Revitalization Loan Program. This item was postponed to the February 1, 2000 meeting. <br />h. Orange County Fair Housing Plan <br />The Board was to consider approval of the Fair Housing Plan. This item was postponed <br />to the February 1, 2000 meeting. <br />i. Procedures for Boards and Commissions -Ethics Guidelines <br />The Board was to consider ethics guidelines for volunteer boards and commissions. <br />This item was postponed to the February 1, 2000 meeting. <br />10. REPORTS -NONE <br />11. APPOINTMENTS <br />The Board was to consider appointments to the Community College Task Force, Innovation <br />and Efficiency Committee, Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee, Soccer Symposium Task <br />Force and Water Resources Committee. This item was postponed to the February 1, 2000 <br />meeting. <br />12. MINUTES- NONE <br />ANNUAL PLANNING AND GOAL SETTING <br />I. Fiscal ReviewlOutlook for 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 <br />Budget Director Donna Dean said that the County's financial condition remains strong as it <br />has for the past few years. The fund balance continues to grow and currently the undesignated <br />fund balance exceeds 14 million dollars. The current year estimates are on target with the budget, <br />and the real property tax base could end up about one percent higher than what was thought <br />during the budget planning process last year. The financial condition of the County should remain <br />