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this time. However, she prefers that any extra 401 (k) that the Chapel Hill employees have after the <br />transfer would not be left hanging. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve in concept the plan for managing employee pay and benefits with the transfer of Town of <br />Chapel Hill Solid Waste employees to Orange County effective March 20, 2000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Contract for IS Support Center Staffing with Alternative Resources Corporation <br />The Board considered a contract in an amount not to exceed $38,976 with Alternative <br />Resources Corporation for support phone center staffing. <br />This item was moved forward to the February 1, 2000 meeting. <br />e. Housing Bond Program Award Commitments <br />The Board considered approval of a capital project ordinance authorizing expenditure of <br />$550,000 in housing bond funds with $90,000 to go to Empowerment, Inc. and $460,000 to Habitat <br />for Humanity. <br />Jahn Link said that the staff is also asking that the Board authorize the Manager, upon <br />the Attorney's review and approval, to execute a Development Agreement with EmPOWERment, <br />Inc. and Habitat for Humanity of Orange County. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that "the area" be spelled out to say that it is the <br />RaleighlDurham/Chapel Hill MSA. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page three, number two, and asked if the <br />period of affordability would still be secure after the Deed of Trust and Promissory Note are <br />forgiven and Tara Fikes said yes. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordan, County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill <br />said that if there is a sale of the property within the first forty years and it is to anon-eligible <br />homeowner, then the money has to be repaid. Also, during the period of affordability, which is 99 <br />years, the County and the contracting agency will get a right of first refusal whenever the property <br />is going to be put an the market. He said that this would only work if there is funding far that kind <br />of buyback. In the event that the properties cannot be bought back and kept in the affordable <br />housing stock, then the equity on the sale is split 50150 between the homeowner and the County. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the capital project ordinance authorizing the expenditure of $550,000 in housing bond <br />funding - $90,000 to EmPOWERment, Incorporated and $460,000 to Habitat far Humanity of <br />Orange County, N. C., Incorporated; and to authorize the County Manager, upon the County <br />Attorney's review and approval, to execute a Development Agreement with EmPOWERment, Inc. <br />and Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, N. C., Incorporated on behalf of the County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Sam Brooks, a local realtor, thanked the County Commissioners for passing this <br />proposal. She appreciates Orange County moving ahead in providing affordable housing. <br />However, she said that the proposal that requires a payback of the second mortgage plus 50% of <br />any equity earned puts the Commissioners and the citizens that are represented in the role of <br />being loan sharks, profiting from those who are least likely to have other financing options. She <br />asked about the justice in a 50% return for only a 21 % contribution on the part of the County. <br />Miles Presley, Director of EmPOWERment, Inc., said that they do appreciate the <br />County Commissioners passing this tonight. He is concerned about the details in this Housing <br />Bond program. He said that on the Pine Hill Drive project, the County would be contributing 21.6°~ <br />of the cost for each unit. The proposal in the bond application was that if the family sells, they <br />would pay back the entire $22,500 of the second mortgage, and 21.6°~ of the appreciation. He <br />hopes that there will be a way that those in the affordable housing community have a way to hash <br />this proposal out. He asked that the Board include EmPOWERment, Inc. in future discussions <br />about the work plan. <br />