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•Based upon such assignments set forth by Recipient, Provider's supervisory personnel shall: <br />(1 }have the authority to assign work and establish work schedules for Provider's personnel. Further, direct supervision and <br />control of Provider's personnel, equipment, and other resources shall remain with Provider's supervisory personnel. Provider <br />should be prepared to furnish communications equipment sufficient to maintain communications among its respective <br />operating units, and if this is not possible, Provider shall notify Recipient accordingly; <br />(2) maintain daily personnel time records, material records, and a log of equipment hours; <br />(3) shall report work progress to Recipient at mutually agreed upon intervals. <br />Section VI. LENGTH OF TIME FOR AID AND ASSISTANGE; RENEWABILITY; RECALL <br />Unless otherwise provided, the duration of Providers assistance shall be for an initial period of seven days, starting from the <br />time of arrival. Thereafter, assistance may be extended in daily or weekly increments as the situation warrants, for a period <br />agreed upon by the authorized representatives of Provider and Recipient. <br />As noted in Section 11 of this Agreement, Providers personnel, equipment, and other resources shall remain subject to recall <br />by Provider to provide for its own citizens if circumstances so warrant. Provider shall make a good faith effort to provide at <br />least twenty-four (24) hours advance notification to Recipient of its (Providers) intent to terminate mission, unless such <br />notice is not practicable, in which case as much notice as is reasonable under the circumstances shall be provided. <br />Section VlI. REIMBURSEMENTS <br />Except as otherwise provided below, it is understood that Recipient shall pay to Provider all documented costs and <br />expenses incurred by Provider as a result of extending aid and assistance to Recipient. The terms and conditions governing <br />reimbursement for any assistance provided under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the following provisions, <br />unless otherwise agreed in writing by Recipient and Provider. Recipient shall be ultimately responsible for reimbursement of <br />all eligible expenses. Provider shall submit reimbursement documentation to Recipient on the forms shown in Appendix B. <br />A. Personnel- During the period of assistance, Provider shall continue to pay its employees according to its then prevailing <br />ordinances, rules, and regulations. Recipient shall reimburse Provider for all direct and indirect payroll costs and expenses <br />including travel expenses incurred during the period of assistance, including, but not limited to, employee retirement benefits <br />as provided by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). However, as stated in Section IX of this Agreement, <br />Recipient shall not be responsible for reimbursing any amounts paid or due as benefits to Providers personnel under the <br />terms of the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Act (Chapter 97 of the North Carolina General Statutes). <br />B. Equipment Provider shall be~reimbursed by Recipient for the use of its equipment during the period of assistance <br />according to either apre-established local or state hourly rate or according to the actual replacement, operation, and <br />maintenance expenses incurred. For those instances in which costs are reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management <br />Agency (FEMA), the FEMA-eligible direct costs shall be determined in accordance with 44 C.F.R. 206.228. Provider shall <br />pay for all repairs to its equipment as determined necessary by its on-site supervisor(s) to maintain such equipment in safe <br />and operational condition. At the request of Provider, fuels, miscellaneous supplies, and minor repairs may be provided by <br />Recipient, if practical. The total equipment charges to Recipient shall be reduced by the total value of the fuels, supplies, <br />and repairs furnished by Recipient and by the amount of any insurance proceeds received by Provider. <br />C. Materials And Supplies- Provider shall be reimbursed for all materials and supplies furnished by it and used or damaged <br />during the period of assistance, except for the costs of equipment, fuel and maintenance materials, tabor, and supplies, <br />which shall be included in the equipment rate established in subsection B of this section (Section VII), unless such damage <br />is caused by gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, intentional misuse, or recklessness of Providers personnel. <br />Providers personnel shall use reasonable care under the circumstances in the operation and control of all materials and <br />supplies used by them during the period of assistance. The measure of reimbursement shall be determined in accordance <br />with 44 C.F.R. 206.228. In the alternative, the parties may agree that Recipient will replace, with like kind and quality as <br />determined by Provider, the materials and supplies used or damaged. If such an agreement is made, it shall be reduced to <br />writing and transmitted to the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management. <br />D. Record Keeping- Recipient and NC Division of Emergency Management personnel shall provide information, directions, <br />and assistance for record keeping to Provider's personnel. Provider shall maintain records and submit invoices for <br />reimbursement by Recipient or the NC Division of Emergency Management using the format used or required by FEMA <br />publications, including 44 C.F.R. part 13 and applicable Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars. <br />E. Payment; Other Miscellaneous Matters as to Reimbursements- The reimbursable costs and expenses with an itemized <br />notice shall be forwarded as soon as practicable after the costs and expenses are incurred, but not later than sixty (60) days <br />