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ry ~~~ <br />,. 3/s/2o~3 <br />'NORTH CAROLINA STATEWIDE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MUTUAL AID AND <br />ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT <br />Revision -July, 2002 <br />THIS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CRIME CONTROL AND <br />PUBLIC SAFETY, AND ITS DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND <br />BY EACH OF THE ENTITIES THAT EXECUTES AND ADOPTS THE UNDERSTANDINGS, COMMITMENTS, TERMS, <br />AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HEREIN: <br />WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina is geographically vulnerable to a variety of natural disasters; <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 166A of the.North Carolina General Statutes, entitled the North Carolina Emergency Management Act, <br />recognizes this vulnerability and provides that its intended purposes are to: <br />(1) Reduce vulnerability of people and property of this State to damage, injury, and loss of life and property; <br />(2) Prepare for prompt and efficient rescue, care, and treatment of threatened or affected persons; <br />(3) Provide for the rapid and orderly rehabilitation of persons and restoration of property; and <br />(4) Provide for cooperation and coordination of activities relating to emergency and disaster mitigation, preparedness, <br />response, and recovery; <br />WHEREAS, in addition to the State, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has recognized the importance of <br />the concept of coordination between the State and local governments; <br />WHEREAS, under Chapter 166A and other chapters of the North Carolina General Statutes, entities entering into mutual aid <br />and assistance agreements may include provisions for the furnishing and -exchanging of supplies, equipment, facilities, <br />personnel and services; and . <br />WHEREAS, the entities which have chosen to become signatories to this Agreement wish to provide mutual aid and <br />assistance amongst one another at the appropriate times; THEREFORE, pursuant to G.S. 166A-10(b), these entities agree <br />to enter into this Agreement for reciprocal <br />emergency management aid and assistance, with this Agreement embodying the understandings, commitments, terms, and <br />conditions for said aid and assistance, as follows: <br />Section I. DEFINITIONS <br />"Agreement" means this document, the North Carolina Statewide Emergency Management Mutual Aid and Assistance <br />Agreement. <br />"Aid and assistance" includes personnel, equipment, facilities, services, supplies, and other resources. <br />"Authorized Representative" means a party's employee who has been authorized, in writing by that party, to request, to offer, <br />or to otherwise provide assistance under the terms of this Agreement. The list of Authorized Representatives for each party <br />executing this Agreement shall be attached to the executed copy of this Agreement. (In the event of a change in personnel, <br />unless otherwise notified the presumption will be that the successor to that position will be the authorized representative.) <br />"Disaster" means an occurrence or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property, <br />resulting from any natural or man-made accidental, military, or paramilitary cause. <br />"Local Agency" means a county agency charged with coordination of all emergency management activities for its <br />geographical limits pursuant to G.S. 166A-7. <br />"Party" means a governmental entity which has adopted and executed this Agreement. <br />"Provider" means the party which has received a request to furnish aid and assistance from another parry in need (the <br />"Recipient"). <br />"Recipient" means the party setting forth a request for aid and assistance to another party (the "Provider"). <br />