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SPECIFIC APPOINTMENTS OF BOCC MEMBERS TO <br />VARIOUS ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />Commissioner Gordon: <br />No change needed. I recommend that we continue the Seniority System that we currently <br />have in place. Right now the current . list of positions is circulated and verified. BOCC <br />members make known their preferences concerning which positions they wish to keep <br />and which they wish to voluntarily give up. Then BOCC members volunteer to serve in <br />the new positions that have been made available. I believe this system worked well for <br />many years. <br />Commissioner Jacobs: <br />The development of well - rounded understandings by commissioners, improved <br />information sharing, and basic fairness require changes in the way the Board of County <br />Commissioners currently chooses representatives for advisory boards and commissions. <br />Our present system, while casually effective, can function to prevent change in <br />viewpoints that shape the work of various bodies. The current system also has resulted in <br />a dearth of variety in Orange County's representation on regional boards. <br />A simple change in the manner of determining board assignments would avoid most of <br />these pitfalls. <br />Adopt the common, egalitarian model used for choosing up sides for games. Let each <br />commissioner make a choice of a board or commission on which she or he would like to <br />serve. Then, after everyone has made one choice, ask for a second choice, and a third, <br />and so on until all are satisfied with retaining the seats they currently have and no <br />commissioner seeks to shift to another board. <br />Places could be claimed by going alphabetically by last name in the first round. Lots <br />could be drawn for order of choice. Even seniority could be used. Commissioners could <br />pass on making a choice if they are so inclined. <br />The key is to have no one make more than one choice before all other commissioners <br />have the opportunity to make one choice. This is fair, and best serves the interests of <br />Orange County. <br />I <br />