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D. Beginning in the calendar month subsequent to calendar month in which the Effective <br />Date falls, the Commission shall disburse to the Grantee eleven equal monthly payments <br />each of which shall be one - eleventh of $ 61,013 (the remaining grant funds after the <br />initial payment). Twenty (20) days after the end of any month, the Grantee shall submit <br />a monthly financial report to the Commission in accordance with Section VII B below. <br />The Grantee must provide this monthly financial report in a timely, accurate fashion in <br />order to receive subsequent monthly payments under this Agreement. <br />E. Any significant variation between any budgeted line item expenditure for this Project as <br />those are presented in Exhibit B and the actual line item expenditure must have the prior <br />written approval of the Commission or the Commission staff. <br />Section VI. Independent Status of the Parties. <br />A. The Parties are independent entities and neither this Agreement nor any provision of it <br />shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture between the Commission and the <br />Grantee. <br />B. The Grantee shall not represent itself as an agent of the Commission nor is the <br />Agreement intended to be construed so as to make the Grantee an agent of the <br />Commission. The Grantee shall not have the ability to bind the Commission to any <br />agreement for payment of goods or services, nor shall it represent to any person or entity <br />that it has such ability. <br />C. All expenses incurred by the Grantee are its sole responsibility and the Commission shall <br />not be liable for the payment of any obligations incurred in the performance of the <br />Project. <br />Section VIL Reports. <br />A. Ten (10) days after the end of each calendar month during the term of the Grant, the <br />Grantee shall enter monthly activity data into the computer -based Project Tracking <br />System (" PTS') of TPCB, which data shall summarize the Grantee's activities of the <br />prior month on the Project. <br />4 <br />30 <br />