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• Each grant year, the Youth Tobacco Prevention Project Manager will follow up and offer <br />education, counseling, and support for 75% of all student suspensions due to tobacco <br />violations. <br />• The Youth Tobacco Prevention Project Manager will insure the availability of regularly <br />offered cessation services -- providing at least 7 community -based smoking cessation <br />series to County teens and their families, reaching at least 60 individuals. <br />Unique features of this project include the training and use of peer educators within the school <br />system and a focus on involving teens that are parents already with their support network. <br />Using peers to conduct education at younger levels is also a unique aspect of this project. Peer <br />educators have been shown to be successful in other school -based and community projects <br />(such as our Latino Child Health Promoters project). <br />The Tobacco Control Branch of the Division of Public Health will be assisting all of the grant <br />projects in developing specific evaluation plans to measure accomplishments. The project <br />proposes the creation of a new grant- funded full time Senior Public Health Educator position to <br />implement the project activities, including the grant evaluation and reporting requirements. The <br />Senior Public Health Educator will be the Project Manager and work with both school systems <br />to develop and implement the activities as outlined in the grant. Evidence -based curriculum will <br />be used for activities in both school systems. The project's funding duration is three calendar <br />years, beginning upon acceptance of the grant, with each year's funding being renewable upon <br />successful completion of project activities. <br />If the outcomes of the project are successfully met, the granting agency expects that the project <br />Will continue to be funded by Orange County. It is proposed that the Board of Commissioners <br />will review the grant outcomes each year. At the end of the three -year grant period, the <br />Commissioners will receive a complete project outcome report and will consider sustaining the <br />effort through the County general fund if the outcomes merit such support. The effective date <br />of the grant is upon signature of the grant agreement and will run for one year with renewal <br />each year upon review of project accomplishments. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total amount of the grant over the three -year period is $232,848. <br />The year one allocation is $81,351. The year one allocation will cover the salary and benefits of <br />the Senior Public Health Educator /Project Manager and includes operational expenses for the <br />project. In addition, the grant includes funds for a computer, furniture, and other one -time start- <br />up costs. In -kind contributions by the County include office space, supervisory time, some <br />office supplies and photocopying. Year two is $75,506 and year three is $75,991. <br />Salary & Benefits <br />Start -up Costs <br />Operating Costs <br />Offsetting <br />Revenue <br />Net County <br />Costs <br />Yr. 1: $45,382 <br />$5,000 <br />$30,969 <br />$81,351 <br />$0 <br />Yr. 2: $47,272 <br />$28,234 <br />$75,506 <br />$0 <br />Yr. 3: $49,257 <br />$26,734 <br />$75,991 <br />$0 <br />Yr. 4: $51,720 <br />1 <br />1$26,000 <br />$0 <br />1$77,720 <br />