Orange County NC Website
Z)ther Please clarify below <br />6,000.00 <br />4,000.00 <br />4,000.00 <br />14,000.00 <br />0.00 <br />Subtotal 1 <br />17,217.00 <br />11,600.00 <br />.9,482.00. <br />11,100.00 <br />9,482.00 <br />11,100.00 <br />36,181.00 <br />33,800.00 <br />Travel Expenses <br />Travel (mileage, <br />transportation, meals, hotels ) <br />$12,252.00 <br />$12,252.00 <br />$12,252.00 <br />$36,756.00 <br />$0.00 <br />Meeting Expenses <br />$7,000.00 <br />$7,000.00 <br />$7,000.00 <br />$21,000.00 <br />$0.00 <br />Other Please clarify below <br />$0.00 <br />$0.00 <br />Subtotal <br />$19,252.00 <br />$0.00 <br />$19,252.00 <br />$0.00 <br />$19,252.00 <br />$0.00 <br />$57,756.00 <br />$0.00 <br />Total Direct Expenses <br />$85,851.00 <br />$28,400.00 <br />$80,006.00 <br />$35,900.00 <br />$81,991.00 <br />$35,900.00 <br />$247,848.00 <br />$100,200.00 <br />Indirect Costs (only if <br />requested) <br />$0.00 <br />$0.00 <br />Total Request <br />$85,851.00 <br />$28,400.00 <br />$80,006.00 <br />$35,900.00 <br />$81,991.00 <br />$35,900.00 <br />$247,848.00 <br />$100,200.00 <br />Program Grantees are required to include, Training and Development expenses in the Annual Budget Section of the proposal. Grantees are <br />required to attend all regional and Statewide Tobacco Prevention and Control Coalition meetings including. New Grantee Kickoff event, Local <br />Coalition Coordinator meetings, Youth Summits, State TPC Training Event. A minimum of $1,500 per Individual (up to there) attending these <br />events should be included for travel and lodging to support these expenses. <br />In addition, grantees may want to budget an additional $1, 800 per Individual for travel, lodging and per diem (up to two) to attend the annual <br />Tobacco Use and Prevention Training Institute (TUPTI) and another $1,200 per individual (up to two) to attend a self - selected tobacco control <br />national or regional conference/workshop. <br />.o <br />