Orange County NC Website
NA <br />2. Attach the latest budget of the lead applicant organization. <br />Include the results of the most recent audit of the organization, if <br />available. Please see file- naming requirements in the instructions. <br />2. A complete list of sub - recipients (includes partners, <br />collaborators and other contractors) under the grant and a <br />specification of how the applicant's methodology for accounting for <br />funds disbursed to sub - recipients. <br />4. A description of the bank accounts and internal accounting <br />ledgers or books that will be set up and used. <br />16 <br />As part of county government, the Health Dept only requests and approves purchase orders and check requisition transactions. All <br />check payments, bards accounts & the general ledger are updated and maintained by the county Finance Dept The county Budget <br />Dept wilt set up separate ledger accounts for all Ward funds in accordance with governmental accounting rules. At fiscal year and, <br />outside auditors check the records maintained in the Finance Department for all of Orange County government . <br />5. Enter a list and history of lead applicant's past programs. funded <br />by grants or awards in the last five years as well as the names of all <br />granting entities involved in those grants or awards. <br />Smart Start funded projects Include: Preschool Dental Screening over 5 years, Child Service Coordination over 5 years, Families in <br />Focus and Home Vl90V 4 years, Child Health Awareness 3 years, Welcome to the World 1 year, not renewed. The above grant <br />projects are all ongoing, with the exception of Welcome to the World. They each fund one staff person and various operating <br />expenses. <br />Healthy Caro inians/Community Based Public Health Initiative project is jointly funded by Orange County and UNC School of Public <br />Health, UNC Hospital and other private donations. This project funds one fuli4me staff person and some operating expenses. <br />Small grant awards for less than $5,000 each awarded in the past 5 years Include: Pink Carolina funds for women"'s health <br />project; Charlotte -based Poison Control Center funds for printing a PhotoNovela for Spanish - speaking clients; and translation of the <br />130 -page flWomerilms Health Passporhl into Spanish. <br />cn <br />6. For existing programs applying for enhancement grants, enter a <br />list and history of lead applicant's past programs funded by grants <br />or awards as well as the names of all granting entities involved in <br />those grants or awards. <br />Page 14 <br />