Orange County NC Website
Ill. Budget and Fiscal Information. <br />A. Attach the following documents to your application. <br />15 <br />1. in the attached Excel spreadsheet, provide the projected annual <br />budget of the proposed project, including any indirect costs, if <br />requested. To download, Click here. In the space provided below <br />provide a narrative budget justification that describes how the <br />categorical costs are derived. Applicants should also list any in -kind <br />resources that will contribute to the project. <br />Direct Expenses: <br />$45,382 in Salary reflects the year one salary and fringe benefits of one, full-time Senior Public Health Educator who will serve as <br />the coordinator of the project with an annual 5% increase for mertt and COLA included for years two and three. <br />$8,800 in in -ldnd Salary is calculated based on an average of 20 hours per month at $20/hour for 10 months for school system <br />personnel such as the school health coordinators and other school staff who will be involved In the implementation of the project <br />Also for 20 tours per month for health department staff who whti provide supervision and fiscal management for 12 months each <br />year. <br />$4,000 in Other Direct Expenses will pay 40 peer educators per year $100 each to undergo training in tobacco prevention <br />education. <br />$8,000 year one and $16,000 in years two and three for Salary In-IQnd for the peer educators who will provide voluntary service in <br />this project They are required by the school system to perform community service hours, they will be paid for training time but the <br />time they spend conducting programs and doing community outreach will be voNmtary. The sum is based on a calculation of $ <br />10/hour for 4 hours per month for 5 months in the first year and 10 months in the 2nd and 3rd years for 40 teens each year. <br />Other Than Personnel Support OTPS <br />$4,000 for supplies and materials each year includes paper for printing, educational materials, brochures and other office supplies <br />as needed. The Health Dept and school systems will also provide approximately $1,000 per year in in -kind supply costs, including <br />photocopying and miscellaneous office supplies. <br />$1250 for Communication Costs will Include $370 for postage, 1,000 mailings at .37 each. Telephone start-up costs in year one will <br />be $235 and monthly fees for phone, voicemail and cell phone each year will be $51 1month or $612 annually. A emit phone will be <br />required for the coordinator who will be traveling around the county a great deal. The Health Department will cover FAX and <br />computer networking costs in4dnd. <br />$900 in Occupancy Costs will be covered W kind by the contribution of an office space provided by the Orange County Health <br />Department valued at $12.50 per square foot A 64 square foot office would run $800 per month. <br />$1,000 is requested for media and promotions to cover advertising for positions and projects, to utilize creative methods to recruit <br />teens to the program and publicize their efforts. The News of Orange has agreed to match advertising dollars one -to -one. <br />$5,000 Capital Outlay - A computer and printer would need to be purchased for the project coordinator at a cost of $3,000 and office <br />furniture wig also need to be secured for no more than $2,000 total. <br />$6,000 for Other OTPS lrxludes the purchase of incentive items such as pencils, stickers and other items with a tobacco prevention <br />message for the pear educators to distribute 'during outreach and T- shirts for the peer educators is estimated the bulk <br />of these items wig be purchased In year one, with a decreasing number purchased in subsequent years. This amount also includes $ <br />1.00D for special Incentive items for the teen mothers in the APP program such as gift certificates that they will receive for <br />completing sessions and projects related to smoking prevention and cessation. <br />$12,252 in Travel Expenses includes $4,500 for three people to attend the state required training, $3,600 for two people to attend <br />the TUPTI and $2,400 for two people to attend another national or regional tobacco control conference. The remaining $1,752 will <br />be for local travel reimbursement at 36.5 cents per mile for an average of 400 miles per month as It is an approximate 25 mile round <br />trip between the two school systems and health departments. <br />$7,000 in Meeting Expenses will include the cost of an annual summer weekend retreat for training and team building of the peer <br />educators. Also refreshments and other costs associated with the on -going training of the peer educators which will occur at least 4 <br />times a year, two trairrings per peer team in each school system per year. <br />Page 13 <br />