Orange County NC Website
12 <br />2. What are the expected outcomes from the program, including <br />expected first year accomplishments and a description of the long- <br />term impact of the program. <br />In the 1st year we will train at least 40 peer educators in the county, 20 from each school system, to provide prevention education in <br />the lower grades. OCS will offer prevention education to all 3rd graders. CHCCS will provide prevention education to at least 400 <br />8th graders and 400 gth graders.' In addition, tobacco use assessments will be done at the Street Scene, the Phoenix Academy, <br />and with the teen mothers involved in the Adolescent Parenting Program. We will reach at least 20 teen mothers and their families <br />with education about the dangers of ETS. Both school systems will begin to offer the enhanced cessation programs, and the <br />Alternative to Suspension program and should reach a minimum of 60 students in the first year. <br />We also anticipate that the OCS will complete their efforts to convert to a 100% tobacco free system by the end of 2003. <br />In the 2nd year of the program, the community components will be started providing prevention education at the Phoenix Academy <br />alternative school, Street Scene teen center and other community locations. <br />3. How will you measure the quality and quantity of youth- focused <br />prevention_and cessation activities be measured? What school, <br />community, policies, media and program services will you need to <br />monitor during the length of the program? Give examples. <br />Describe how the evaluation will be used to make the program <br />more effective and efficient, and how the evaluation results will be <br />disseminated. <br />The main tool of measurement will be the YRBS which will continue to be conducted bi- annually in both school systems to provide <br />data on the numbers of teens who are using tobacco products and other drugs. This data will be shared with the schools and the <br />community via the media. <br />We will track the numbers of students trained through the various components of the program, and the numbers of students <br />reached with prevention education. We will offer a pre and post test of knowledge for the peer educators before and after training <br />and an evaluation of the training will be conducted asking the students for feedback on what worked well and what needs <br />improvement <br />Any community -based programs that are offered will be documented and the number of participants will be tracked. Whenever <br />possible, those receiving a program will be given an opportunity to provide feedback. <br />Whether the Orange County schools become 100% tobacco free will be reflected in the new policy that will be written and adopted <br />by that school system. <br />Any publicity or assistance from the media will be documented. <br />WA <br />4. All existing program applying for enhancement grants must <br />describe program outcomes for all the years that the teen smoking <br />intervention program has been in existence. <br />Page 10 <br />