Orange County NC Website
10 <br />4. Describe the geographic area and the population the program <br />will benefit. Explain how these people will benefit from the <br />program. <br />Orange County Schools serves a lower- income population from the rural, northern areas of the county, with 2696 of Its students <br />qualifying for free or reduced school lunch. <br />Chapel HII - Carrboro consists of both well - educated, affluent families and low - income working class families. In addition there is a <br />significant retirement community. This project will benefit the high -risk, less successful students and the students entering high <br />Each year this program will benefit at least 40 Teens Against Tobacco Use peer educators and 500 third graders- OCS,700 ninth <br />grader.- CHCCS, 20-25 teen parents and smoking grandparents, 60 students interested in smoking cessation and any staff <br />interested in smoking cessation especially as OCS becomes 10096 tobacco -free. <br />5. Explain how the program will build or enhance health care <br />capacity in the community served. <br />Health care capacity will be increased by training peer health educators. These students will become more knowledgable abaci <br />tobacco use and Its risks. They will in turn provide information to the community and may become involved in additional health <br />related areas. Poor run programs develop leadership and advocacy skills in youth that may help them become better advocates for <br />community health. <br />Ma6rtaining the position of the smoking prevention coordinator will also increase the health care capacity of the community by <br />providing leadership and direction to youth driven, community- based, health prevention programs. <br />Page 8 <br />