Orange County NC Website
2 <br />NOTE: As the County has done for a number of years for school and County capital <br />projects, the Board of Commissioners would approve an updated Southern Park capital <br />project ordinance at the appropriate point for each of the four project phases <br />(Concept/Pre-Planning, Planning/Final Design, Construction Approval, Final <br />Accounting). Funding associated with each phase is appropriated upon the adoption of <br />the updated ordinance and is made available immediately thereafter to Town staff to "pay <br />the bills" associated with each project phase. <br />4. Value Engineering <br />The Project Planning Committee decides whether to accept the value engineering <br />services of the firm under contract with the Town. The Town agrees to consider a <br />recommendation from the County for such services, if the contracted fum is not used. If <br />not, Project Planning Committee selects another firm, following the type of process <br />outlined above for designer <br />5. Special Use Permit <br />a. Designer works with P & R staff and value engineer to complete Special Use Permit <br />(SUP) application, including design drawings. <br />b. Project Planning Committee reviews drawings during process and approves drawings <br />that are part of the SUP application <br />c. Application .undergoes regular SUP review process by advisory boards and Town <br />Council, as well as by Board of Orange County Commissioners <br />• At least 60 days notice is given to Board of County Commissioners before review <br />period for application <br />d. At Public Hearing Council receives staff recommendation in its role as owner and in <br />its role as Regulator, and recommendations from Board of County Commissioners <br />and all advisory boards and commissions <br />e. Board of County Commissioners meets at its next meeting after the SUP Public <br />Hearing date to prepare its final recommendations to Town Council before Council's <br />final decision <br />f. Town Council, in its role as Regulator, issues SUP <br />6. Bidding <br />a. Designer completes working drawings and bid documents <br />b. Town staff and contract engineer review drawings and specs before finalized for <br />bidding, including code reviews by Inspections and Fire Departments <br />c Staff advertises for bids, holds pre-bid conference, opens bids <br />d. Staff, with assistance of designer and value engineer, analyzes bids, checks <br />references and makes recommendation to Project Planning Committee on bids and <br />project budget <br />e. Project Planning Committee makes its recommendation to Town Manager, Board of <br />Commissioners and Town Council on bid and project budget. Recommendations <br />might include: <br />-which of several alternates to accept <br />-which part(s) of the base project to delete to come within budget <br />-how to phase the project to accommodate budget and other constraints <br />8 <br />