Orange County NC Website
2/11/03 <br />PROPOSED APPROVAL AND CONSTRUCTION PROCESS <br />SOUTHERN CONIMUNITY PARK <br />1. Approval of Conceptual Plan <br />The Report of the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan will be reviewed and <br />adopted by the Board of County Commissioners and the Town Council, as a guide to the <br />expectations of the governing bodies and the community. <br />2. Project Planning Committee <br />Upon adoption of the Conceptual Plan by both entities, a Project Planning Committee <br />shall be appointed by the respective governing bodies, with an equal number of <br />representatives from the Board of County Commissioners and Town Council, and each <br />Manager or his designee(s). <br />a. Charge is to keep informed about the progress of the project and to offer input in a <br />timely fashion <br />b. Objective is to discuss and reach consensus on all issues before it in a timely <br />manner <br />c. If consensus is not readily available, the Town of Chapel Hill may make the <br />decision to avoid delay in project, but not before notifying the Board of <br />Commissioners at least 30 days prior to such action <br />d. The Chapel Hill Town Council is the governing body in whose jurisdiction-the <br />facility lies and which will be responsible for operations and maintenance for the <br />life of the project. The Orange County Commissioners are the governing body <br />responsible for the approval of capital funds for park construction, as the project <br />is currently defined. <br />3. Construction Design <br />Project Planning Committee decides whether to continue with designer of Conceptual <br />Plan or to select a new designer. If a new designer is desired, <br />a. Town Staff advertises for proposals and reviews all submittals <br />b. Project Planning Committee and Town staff review some or all submittals and <br />recommend small number to interview <br />c. Staff and Project Planning Committee interview designer candidates and make <br />recommendation to Town Manager <br />d. Town Manager negotiates a contract with architect as recommended by the <br />Project Planning Committee <br />e. If Town Manager cannot negotiate an acceptable contract with the first choice, he <br />goes on to the second choice. If the second choice is not available or cannot be <br />contracted with, the proposal is re-advertised as in subsection "a" above. <br />f. Town requests the County Commissioners' approval of updated Southern Park <br />capital project ordinance for the Planning/Final Design Phase as quickly as <br />possible <br />