Orange County NC Website
2/11/03 5 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Chapel Hill Town Council <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />From: County Commissioners Chair Margaret Brown <br />Mayor Kevin Foy, Town of Chapel Hill <br />Town Council Member Flicka Bateman <br />County Commissioner Barry Jacobs <br />Town Council Member Bill Strom <br />Date: February 17, 2003 <br />Re: Process for Southern Park <br />Please find attached a proposed Approval and Construction Process for Southern Park. <br />This document has been approved by our committee after several months spent reviewing <br />drafts and meeting to exchange ideas and thoughts on the most efficient and cost- <br />effective method of seeing this park to its completion. <br />It is our hope that the attached process adequately represents and provides for the <br />important roles of both the Town and County in this project. As the first joint project of <br />this type, the process has been crafted with the understanding that the Project Planning <br />Committee and the two parties will strive for expeditious action toward the park <br />construction. Our supposition is that the Project Planning Committee outlined in the <br />process will allow us to meet necessary timetables for the project. <br />In order to move the project forward, in keeping with the proposed process, we would <br />request that the Town Council and/or Board of Commissioners (as specified) take the <br />following actions, preferably in March of this year: <br />1. County Commissioners approve the Southern Park Conceptual Plan <br />2. Board of Commissioners and Town Council agree to the proposed Approval and <br />Construction Process <br />3. Board of Commissioners and Town Council appoint a Project Planning Committee to <br />oversee the project (as addressed in the proposed process) <br />