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7 <br />1 the need for new elementary schools. Also, there is a need for new middle schools and class <br />2 size reduction. <br />3 Chair Carey asked about the cost for the pre-K classes and the Spanish program. <br />4 Superintendent Randy Bridges said that the pre-K classes would require 6-7 teaching <br />5 positions, and the Spanish program would require a half-time position in each of the K-5 <br />6 schools. Each of the positions, including benefits and local supplement, would total <br />7 approximately $47,000. <br />8 Superintendent Neil Pedersen summarized his memo to John Link. <br />9 1. Class size - The goal is to reduce class size in grade 3 from 26 to 23 <br />10 students. This initiative would require four teachers and four assistants at an <br />11 approximate cost of $276,000. <br />12 2. Compensation of staff - The present compensation package for Chapel Hill- <br />13 Carrboro City Schools is currently not competitive. The school board hopes <br />14 to enhance compensation packages for teachers, classified staff and bus <br />15 drivers. <br />16 3. Technology - Some of these issues will be covered at budget time. <br />17 4. Limited English Proficiency Program - This initiative would require adding two <br />18 ESL teachers. <br />19 5. Minority Student Achievement - The school board is continuing its efforts in <br />20 this area. A new team has been pulled together to develop some goals and <br />21 strategies. <br />22 6. Middle School After-school Program/Communities in Schools - It is possible <br />23 that the funding for the Middle School After-school Program that comes from <br />24 the state might be disappearing. Also, the Director for Communities in <br />25 Schools is spending much of her time fund-raising for her salary and the <br />26 operation of the office. <br />27 7. Planning for new middle school - Smith Middle School will open in 2001. The <br />28 planning process for hiring a principal and other staff members will need to <br />29 begin soon. <br />30 8. Capital Budget - Site acquisition for future schools is important at this time. <br />31 Also, there is an immediate need to plan for a new elementary school. <br />32 <br />33 In answer to a question from Chair Carey, Keith Cook said that the funding for the <br />34 Community in Schools program might end before the school year ends this year. <br />35 Commissioner Gordon made reference to the recommendation from the Chapel Hill- <br />36 Carrboro City School Board on reducing class size and asked the Orange County School Board <br />37 for information on what they propose to do to reduce class size. <br />38 Commissioner Brown asked both school systems to provide information on the after- <br />39 school programs, including the number of participants and costs involved. <br />40 <br />41 2. Issues Identified by Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br />42 <br />43 a. Acquisition of School Sites and Construction of New Schools <br />44 Neil Pedersen said that a new facilities master plan is being developed. <br />45 Roger Waldon made reference to the preliminary report, Attachment 2d, and said that <br />46 there are a number of projections of how many students are expected in the next ten years. <br />47 The Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools will need at least one, possibly two, elementary schools <br />48 in the next ten years. In the next fifteen years there will be a need for a new middle school. <br />49 There is a summary on page 14 that says that for the next twenty years, the Chapel Hill- <br />50 Carrboro City School Board feels that five school sites will be needed. The school board feels <br />51 that it would be beneficial to identify future school sites. The school board hopes to have a <br />52 Master Facilities Plan in place by the end of June.