Minutes - 19991213
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19991213
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8/14/2008 12:51:56 PM
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8/13/2008 1:44:52 PM
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1 in Orange County. She suggested a meeting between representatives of the County <br />2 Commissioners and the School Boards on how the school's recreational facilities are being <br />3 used. The outcome of these meetings would be included in the task force report. She said that <br />4 she would be glad to serve on the work group and she asked for volunteers. <br />5 Susan Halkiotis said that the Orange County School Board would be willing to participate <br />6 and Elizabeth Carter said that the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Board would be willing to <br />7 participate. <br />8 Chair Carey said that the next step would be for all of the elected boards to agree that all <br />9 facilities funded by public dollars would be accessible to the residents of Orange County. The <br />10 question is under what terms the open facilities would be accessible. <br />11 Gloria Faley said that she appreciated the wholistic approach to the open facilities. <br />12 <br />13 d. County School/Parks Reserve Fund Guidelines <br />14 John Link made reference to page two of the abstract and pointed out that under item <br />15 C1 which states, "As an incentive to assist the Towns in meeting parks needs, County funding <br />16 of Town park projects (including school/town park combinations) would be offered on a 1:1 <br />17 matching basis." He said that this means that the County Commissioners would match the <br />18 funding from the other entities. He continued saying that since this is a further clarification <br />19 under C3, that should an entity wish funding for parks design or planning, County funds for such <br />20 design or planning would be considered only if the County is also participating in the actual <br />21 project itself. He said that item D clarifies that the County and Carrboro are participating in the <br />22 additional expansion of ball fields for the new middle school, and the first step is for Carrboro <br />23 and the County to pay for the additional grading that would be necessary. He pointed out on <br />24 page three that the fund has almost $2.4 million dollars. <br />25 Keith Cook made reference to C2 on the first page and said that it seems to him that the <br />26 time for the County to fund schools or parks is while the land is being purchased. He said that <br />27 the purchasing of the land and the committing of County funds should coincide. <br />28 Susan Halkiotis asked if the funds are to be used for development and if development <br />29 could be stretched and defined as acquisition. She asked if County funding was only for <br />30 planning and development or if it could be used to reimburse the other entity that may have <br />31 purchased all of the property. She wants to know if the schools purchased a site, could they <br />32 come to the County Commissioners before any design or development and ask for a one-to-one <br />33 match. <br />34 Commissioner Jacobs said that if public funds are invested, the title must be in the name <br />35 of a school board or a governmental entity. <br />36 Chair Carey said that if a school board is about to acquire property with the expectation <br />37 that a park is going to be there that the school board should consult the County Commissioners <br />38 ahead of time. He said that there would be a revised County Master Parks and Recreation Plan <br />39 soon. <br />40 Commissioner Jacobs said that the school systems are different than the municipalities <br />41 from the County Commissioners' perspective because it is the same money. <br />42 Bob Bateman made reference to item Al and asked if there was a chance of buying <br />43 more land to establish a park. He said that Northern Orange County only has one park. He <br />44 asked if it was too late to revisit the Northern Orange Elementary site for a park. <br />45 Chair Carey said that now that there is criteria in the policy, the school board could ask <br />46 the County Commissioners to revisit any particular site. <br />47 Commissioner Gordon pointed out that the purpose of this was to establish criteria. She <br />48 made reference to the long-term recommendations and said that this particular fund is to be <br />49 used for land. She said that the original intention of the School/Parks Reserve Fund was to buy <br />50 land. She also listed the other parks that now exist in northern Orange County. <br />51 Commissioner Brown addressed Bob Bateman and said she would like for him to come <br />52 back to the County Commissioners with a proposal for the Northern Orange Elementary site.
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