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1 question of what a fully funded school system would look like. <br />2 Elizabeth Carter said that the school boards are appreciative of what the County <br />3 Commissioners have done in the past. When the school board meets in February they will hear <br />4 from each school and there are a lot of needs that are not shared with the County <br />5 Commissioners because the needs are taken care of by the thrift shop or other fundraising done <br />6 by the schools. <br />7 Susan Halkiotis added that the school systems are fortunate and unique in enjoying the <br />8 County Commissioners' support the way they do. She asked John Link what he projected the <br />9 general fund increases to be for the County over the next few years. <br />10 John Link said that in terms of the natural growth of revenue based on the tax base <br />11 increasing and keeping the tax rate the same, it has ranged from 3-5%. He said that there has <br />12 been some healthy growth in the last year or two. <br />13 Rick Kennedy said that everyone needs to keep in mind why they are here. He said that <br />14 he is here to make sure that his children and other children in the County get a good education. <br />15 He said that education could be provided for less but the children would pay for it down the <br />16 road. He feels that some of the increases in funding over the years are due to the fact that the <br />17 school system fell behind on building schools when they were needed. He said that he does not <br />18 feel comfortable with any of the funding scenarios. He thinks it is more important to look at the <br />19 job that needs to be done. <br />20 Chair Carey said that he feels decisions on past funding were made because it was the <br />21 right thing to do. The County Commissioners have been forthright in providing what the most <br />22 important thing in the County budget is because education is the largest single item in the <br />23 budget. <br />24 Roger Waldon said that he feels there is value in communicating back and forth and <br />25 talking about the needs of both the school systems and the County. He is concerned about the <br />26 formula and the timing right now. He is concerned that doing something for this year might be <br />27 problematic. <br />28 Elizabeth Carter agrees with Roger Waldon. <br />29 Keith Cook asked if the County Commissioners would discuss the request they received <br />30 from the two school boards for a committee to discuss this topic and Chair Carey said yes. <br />31 <br />32 b. Cost Efficient Facilities Initiative <br />33 John Link said that he participated on a task force that included Director of Central <br />34 Stores and Purchasing Pam Jones, and Commissioners Jacobs and Halkiotis in which they <br />35 discussed the concepts of value engineering. He said that according to growth projections, <br />36 there would be a need for 19 new schools over the next 30 years at an estimated cost of <br />37 $340,000,000. The County is also talking about an adequate public facilities ordinance which <br />38 directly affects how growth is addressed. The focus on the capital improvement budget will be <br />39 more accentuated. <br />40 Pam Jones said that by looking at the projections, the construction costs over the next <br />41 three decades is going to be significant. She said that what is being proposed tonight is a <br />42 process that will be collaborative among the schools and the County. Page two of attachment <br />43 1 b outlines the process. She said that performance standards would be developed for new <br />44 construction. The emphasis is on using the available resources that will last the longest amount <br />45 of time. She explained the procedure that would be followed. She said that the funding of the <br />46 new construction would follow along similarly with the concepts of value engineering. The <br />47 Commissioners would approve the project up front, but it would be funded in accordance with <br />48 the various components. The major amount of time would be spent up front. This process also <br />49 provides some consistent guidelines for the architect. She said that this process is a good start <br />50 with getting together and collaborating on what the acceptable standards are for buildings that <br />51 the County might build. <br />52 Commissioner Halkiotis said that the driving force behind this is the fact that the Shaping