Minutes - 19991213
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19991213
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8/14/2008 12:51:56 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:44:52 PM
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I using a formula or guidelines to determine school funding. He said that 48-49% of the total <br />2 County budget is being dedicated to school funding. Over the past ten years, the total <br />3 education budget has gone from $18.1 million to $48.4 million. The reasons for this increase <br />4 are as follows: <br />6 ? three bond referenda <br />7 ? 10% increase in current expenses each year <br />8 ? increases in recurring capital, and <br />9 ? the creation of the capital reserve fund for School/Park projects <br />10 <br />11 John Link explained five possible funding scenarios. He said that the staff sees scenario <br />12 four, where the school systems receive a designated percentage of the total General Fund <br />13 budget, as the most appropriate scenario for education funding. Based on historical increases, <br />14 by the year 2010 scenario four would produce an education budget of $106.7 million. If the <br />15 County continues to provide a 10-11 % increase each year, the education budget would be $150 <br />16 million by the year 2010. He said that the Commissioners still need to make a decision as to the <br />17 use of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Special District Tax. The tax has been used, in recent years, to <br />18 start up new schools or programs. Orange County Schools do not have a Special District Tax. <br />19 He said that one mechanism that could be used is to increase the general fund commitment to <br />20 schools that could provide some additional funding for the Orange County School system as <br />21 part of the per capita appropriation, and reduce the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Special District Tax. <br />22 He welcomed any questions at this time. <br />23 Chair Carey said that he remembered receiving a letter from both school boards asking <br />24 the Board of County Commissioners to appoint a task force to study these recommendations <br />25 before making a decision. He said that the Board has not had an opportunity to discuss the <br />26 letter nor the scenarios for education funding. <br />27 Elizabeth Carter said that she would appreciate the County Commissioners giving <br />28 consideration to appointing a committee to study the different scenarios. <br />29 Susan Halkiotis said that the value of having a committee is that there are a number of <br />30 variables that the school system is facing that simply defies projections. The school systems <br />31 are wrestling with an increasing rate of growth. The value of the committee would be to bring <br />32 some of the issues to the table and make sure that whatever is done with the budget would take <br />33 care of the needs. <br />34 Susan Halkiotis said that the Orange County School Board's perspective is that there are <br />35 issues that need to be discussed with the Board of County Commissioners and the school <br />36 boards. <br />37 Keith Cook said that the school boards should have some buy in and sit around the table <br />38 and have some input to take back to the citizens who depend on the school boards to do their <br />39 job. <br />40 Roger Waldon mentioned that he would like the County Commissioners to be sensitive <br />41 to the differential nature of the capital expenditures. Capital expenditures such as opening a <br />42 new school tend to be lumpy. <br />43 Chair Carey said that one point made by John Link was that even though other counties <br />44 have guidelines, there is flexibility built in to address those other issues that come up. He said <br />45 that all of the scenarios show an increase in funding and hold harmless the issue of population <br />46 growth. <br />47 Nick Didow said that theoretically the scenarios assume that the starting point is a fully <br />48 established, fully funded, fully developed organization. He told Commissioner Gordon that he <br />49 would find it interesting in the process if the committee could address the question of what <br />50 would be a fully funded, fully developed school system in Orange County and Chapel Hill- <br />51 Carrboro. He thinks that it might be interesting for everyone to see how close or how far the two <br />52 school systems are from being fully funded. He would like for this committee to look at the
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