Agenda - 03-05-2003 - 8e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-05-2003
Agenda - 03-05-2003
Agenda - 03-05-2003 - 8e
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/30/2011 10:15:08 AM
Creation date
6/30/2011 10:15:02 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20030505
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2003
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~1 <br />706 Kensington Drive <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />Decem r 17 2002 <br />~c~~o~~~ <br />D r, <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners DEC z 0 2002 <br />Margaret W. Brown, Chairman <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Dear Ms. Brown and Commissioners: <br />I wish to ask permission to use a reproduction of the Orange County seal in a <br />book I am writing in celebration of the 250' anniversary of the county's founding. The <br />seal will not be used to indicate in any way that the county is sponsoring or giving <br />finan©al support to the writing or production of my book, but rather will be used to <br />enhance the sense of richness of the county's history. <br />I have enclosed an outline of the book and a facsimile of the page on which I <br />would like to use the seal. This page will precede an introduction to the book. A similar <br />page, using the seal of each of the three major towns of the county, will be placed at the <br />beginning of each of the town sections. I have received permission from Hillsborough <br />. _ and Carrboro to use their seals and am in the process of getting permission from Chapel <br />Hill. <br />1 My interest in Orange County dates from 1949 when I came to the University of <br />North Carolina in Chapel Hill as a graduate student in history. I lived here for four <br />years, two. of which I spent as a research assistant in the Southern Historical Collection. <br />It was my privilege during my time with the Collection to become acquainted with <br />Hillsborough native and founder of the Collection, Dr. J. G. deRoulhac Hamilton, who <br />added greatly to my interest in and love for the history of the South. I left North <br />Carolina in 1953 with my husband when he completed his doctorate in economics, but <br />we chose to return here in 1993 when he retired. I was at that time completing a book on <br />a North Carolina family who settled in the Albemarle area in the early eighteenth <br />century and became interested in the state's origins as a British colony and its early <br />history as a state. My interest in the role played by Orange County in the state's history <br />and my pleasure in exploring the three unique towns and beautiful rural areas of the <br />county led me to undertake researching and writing the book I have called Orange <br />County Trio. <br />Orange County has long been in need of a comprehensive history, researched and <br />written by scholars. Dr. Hugh T. Lefler and Dr. Paul W. Wager of the University of <br />North Carolina stated that need in 1953 when they published a collection of essays, <br />Orange County - ?752-1952, in celebration of the county's two hundredth anniversary. <br />~~~Str^~bufivn- ~r I~CC f ~riGirlq~'Cle~rk. <br />2 <br />
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