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Commissioner Brown said that she feels that the Homestead Property Tax Exemption is one <br />of the ways that the elderly citizens can be protected from having to dispose of their property prematurely. <br />Chair Carey said that there is going to be a presentation of the consensus recommendations <br />from the groups at the County Commissioners' Association regarding this issue next Monday at the Albert <br />Coates Building. He said that a part of the consensus recommendation includes a rollback at the point of <br />disposal of the property. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve the late applications for the Homestead Property Tax Exemption in accordance with the <br />resolution that is incorporated herein by reference. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />t. Orange County Priority List for the 2002-2008 Transportation Improvement Program <br />The Board considered the Orange County Priority List for the 2002-2008 Transportation <br />Improvement Program that includes the Board's priorities for transportation needs. <br />Bill Crowther spoke about project U3808, the Elizabeth Brady Road extension, which would <br />connect 70 Business with U.S. 70 Bypass, which continues to be on the list and is supported by NCDOT. <br />He said that this connection would require a multi-lane bridge crossing over the Eno River over the <br />largest portion of the flood plain and would be the largest bridge crossing to date. This is on <br />Hillsborough's TIP list but has never received a unanimous vote from the Town of Hillsborough. He <br />asked the County Commissioners to look into why this continues to be on the TIP for Hillsborough. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like for the County to look at both of the bypasses <br />that Hillsborough has recommended, both east and west. These bypasses have an impact on County <br />citizens and the County's land use plan. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested a discussion of the bypasses by the County <br />Commissioners before discussing them with the Town of Hillsborough. He made reference to page three <br />of the agenda abstract where it says, "Orange County is opposed to any widening of 1-40 through Orange <br />County unless there is a commitment by NCDOT to provide HOV and/or dedicated bus lanes." He asked <br />if this was the appropriate place to put the concerns that the Board asked the staff to take to the <br />information workshop. <br />Planner Karen Lincoln said that those concerns could be added to the priority list. She said <br />that the primary purpose of this document was to request the projects that the Board wanted to be a <br />priority. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested attaching to the priority list the letter to the Transportation <br />Advisory Committee, which is on page 10 of the agenda abstract. This letter indicates that the County's <br />number one priority project continues to be improvements to Homestead Road to address school safety <br />issues. Included with this letter will be a list of the other priorities that lie outside the Durham-Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro Metropolitan Area including highway, transit and bicycle improvements. <br />The Board decided by consensus to attach the letter mentioned above to the Transportation <br />Advisory Committee to the Orange County Transportation Priority List for 2002-2008. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the Transportation Priorities list as amended. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Appointments <br />The Board considered appointments to the Board of Health, Mebane Planning Board, Orange <br />County Planning Board, Orange Water and Sewer Authority, Soccer Symposium Task Force, Solid <br />Waste Advisory Board, C&D Recycling Task Force, Community College Task Force and Innovation and <br />Efficiency Committee. <br />Board of Health <br />Commissioner Gordon reported that Jonathan Kein was the new Chair of the Board of <br />Health. She said that he contacted her about the Board of Health appointments. Jonathan Kline has <br />requested that consideration of the appointment of the pharmacist position be deferred until the Board of <br />Health has a chance to make a recommendation. She suggested deferring the Board of Health <br />appointments to the County Commissioners' meeting on February 1, 2000. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to defer <br />the Board of Health appointments to the County Commissioners' meeting on February 1, 2000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS